Chapter Fourteen

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Time. It seemed to move slow here. You never could tell when it was night and when it was day. The only way I could tell it has been a week is the days in a row I was fetched from the labs to fight another demon. Every time I would not kill one. I knew if I was to loose I would be the one killed so I was at a no choice situation. Every time I wouldn't the punishment would be worsed. I would face visions of seeing my loved ones tortured or trying to kill me. I would be cut opened and killed but I couldn't actually die. Arcelm wouldn't allow it. I tried that didn't go over well. I was just put through more torture. Every limb felt like it has been wripped and shredded but put back together with some ducktape. My head was always in constant pain. Today was no espetion. I was roughly pushed back in front of Arcelm. I spit out some blood and whiped away some dirt before very slowly climbing to my feet. 

"Do us a favor Rain, do yourself a favor and kill one of them. You been fighting me on this and you have been through hell. Litterly."

Arcelm looked bored when he said this. I shook my head.

"I will not kill."

He pursed his lips and nodded. He waved his hand foward and a demon stepped foward. I watched as it shifted starting to change to my old math teacher. I felt my body go stiff and eyes harden. 

"Ah I see you remeber your old teacher."

I looked up with so much hatrid in my eyes. He clapped his hands happily. 

"That is my boy! This man flipped your world upside down. Seperated you from your brother and mother. He is the one that changed everything!"

I felt something dark build up in me as I turned my cold look at the teacher I had with both my brothers. The one that tried to kill us and made us abandon everything. Made us leave made us change. Made us grow up faster than we wanted to. And all he did was smirk at me. Something snapped. I don't know it was the hours of tourter than seeing him, but I just had one thought in my mind. Kill. A light grew in me that I didn't know was posible then a golden sword appeared in my hand. I could tell the others were just as shocked as I was by it. Arcelm just watched us intensly waiting for my first move. I looked at the weapon in my hand. It didn't even hurt to have it in my hand like it would have two weeks ago. I ran at my old teacher with astonishing speed for someone that should be dead with everything I went through. I sliced his throat but not deep enough to kill him but enough to make him start gagging on blood. I wanted him to go slwoly feel what I felt. I could feel what ever light I summoned start healing the amount of torture I went through and the faster I started to move do to it. I sliced and cut the demon up till I had the sword placed under his chin making him look at me. Then he shifted and I was looking at my brother's eyes. Ice looked at me with an evil look on his face. I knew it wasn't actually him from the color of his eyes and the fact his hair was the same brown as mine. I scrambled away feeling the light fade and the demon started to advance towards me. 

"Where you going to kill me, brother. I knew you never could. I mean it is you. You are the weak one always reling on others to do the dirty work. You could never kill anything even if you were the one to be dead by them."

I started shaking my head backing away. No, no, no this is not real. 

"You caused everything to go to hell! Everything is your fault!"

"Stop it! You know that is not true!"

He started laughing his smile turing sinister. 

"No you know it is true. You are just a failer. A skrew up!"


I jumped up before I could think taking his head right off his shoulder. I landed on the other side breathing heavy. I looked back that the demon was back to this scaly creature with claws. I dropped my head realising what I just did. I heard clapping and soon a pair of hands came down on my shoulders. 

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