Chapter Ten

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I blinked a few time seeing nothing but the stars in the sky. I could hear snores coming from the group but I couldn't make out who was who. 

"Be quite we don't want to wake them. We are out powered if we do." 

I reconized Shadow's demanding voice and the footing of the well trained soilders. I guess they didn't get my warning when I sent a pack of doves at them. The fire started to crackle a bit load and I know Dak was the one feedinging it more energy. I acted like I was just rollng over in my sleep like I was having a bad dream and had my hand lay flat to the ground. I stilled for a second before makeing the three scream waking the others as they were tied to a tree. I got up storming over to the large oak I tied them to and pulled my sword aiming it at them. 

"Didn't you mother ever teach you it isn't nice to sneak up on people?"

They looked like I was mad and by the small cuts and blisters I could feel I knew it was true. 

"Rain, what happened to you?"

Shadow looked concerned and for once sounded concerned. The two gentleman were just staring at my form in astonishment.

"A lot. This is my last warning, leave us be. We have our own mission to take care of. now leave. "

I waved my hand un tangling them from the tree. They dusted off their clothes and looked at us. The others were now siting on the logs that were around the fire watching the sceen play out. Shadow put and hand on my shoulder tryingt o get me to calm down but my guard was up and I was in a lot of pain. I ducked myshoulder away hissing lightly. 

"Rain, you know we can't do that. By the looks of it, you need to see Eir. Your voice sounds different, you are blistered, cut and beat. The girl over there doesn't look mush better."

I looked behind me seeing Molly still asleep but with wet tree leaves applied to her skin. I could feel some applied to mine as well. I let out a breath. 

"Sit down, you wont leave till I explain everything anyways so sit down. I will introduce everyone here."

The three looked at me confused before setting their weapons aside and taking a seat on the empty log that was left I took a seat next to Molly very slowly as it hurt to move. I lightly shook her shoulder and barely putting pressure as I know she probaly in bad shape as well. She slowly opened her eyes and when she saw me she jumped up and hugged me. 

"I thought you died again. Gods you freaken idiot, you are not supposed to take the blow away form me. What happened to together?"

I gulped. I guess she was better than I thought. She started to peal the leaves away only to show slight cuts and burns but nothing near to what I was having to deal with. 

"Not now, but I am glad you are ok. We have some...visitors and explaining to do."

SHe looked over my shoulder to see the big three and went to sit by the others that sat on the other log. I crawled over so I was close so they could hear me but no one could touch me. 

"We know about the dark surges and demons. I was possed not that long ago actually that is why my voice is scratchy know. Causes damage when it leaves the host. I am not the same and I didn't want people to freak but when it comes to fighting... I am no longer held back to be honest I could care less if I killed someone instead of injur. I would rather get rid of the problem then just put it off track."

Everyone was now staring at me in shock. It may not seem like a big deal but coming from a child of Frey that is like cusing in front of a 5 year old. It is just not right. 

"Any ways if you all didn't know the visitors are who was looking for us. Not a supprise saying they know how I think and how I take down a problem. Dak is our fire welder, Shadow the boss chick, and Clint and Spear welder. Now for the big three you know Comment and myself from royal blood lines but Molly was the one you thought was in same condition as my self. Gram is the big british fellow there. Viddia is our curly brunet and Silver well you get the idea. So we are not out here because we are being rebel adults that have big egos and want a freakin unicorn. We have our own agenda."

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