Chapter Fifteen

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Even after their extent of torture I did not break. They tried making me go for the remaining of the month of pure agany but I just let myself get beat the next time they let me out. I laughed with every hit. They were rushing trying to get me change. They were down to a week left before I would have to be let out. I have had my fair share of cracks but I have not been shattered. My only sign of any change was my eyes and hair. My hair was a eery black and my eyes where cold and when I did get the energy to use my power they glowed a dark muddy green, yellow. Even after everything I was still me. Today was not eseption. I knocked out the demon that I was fighting and Arcelm just roared angerly. Shella always cringed back when she saw me fight or wanting to break. She was maybe my only friend here. She was good just in a bad situation. So I started pushing her away as I did not want her to be put in any danger but a lot like Sif she was stubborn and didn't think of consequenses and would still come to talk to me at the lake when she could. 

"Bane, grab Shella."

Arcelm didn't even stutter when he commanded this and Shella yelped when he grabbed her and held a knife to her throat. My eyes were wide and I looked up not sure what to do. 

"Kill Bane or he kills Shella. Simple."

He had a smile on his face and I looked at the possibilities. I looked at the bloddy dagger in my hand. I jumped and threw it just right to hit his hand making he drop the knife to grab the hand that was bleeding hevily. He jumped to grab the knife to kill Shella but I jumped tackleing him to the ground putting him in a lock that if I pulled back his arm and spine would break. I watched as he stabbed my leg trying to loose my grip but I was numb to pain at this point. Arcelm looked frusterated again and grabbed Shella himself and held a dagger to her throat. I dropped Bane letting him scramble away as I starred at at Arcelm. He had a smile that said if I did not follow everyword he would kill her. I dropped the dagger I held falling my knees looking down defeated. I was in a loose loose situation. 

"You herd me kill the demons around you that have tortured you, or I kill her. You try anything on me you will die."

Shella was crying at this point mouthing I'm sorry over and over again. I nodded understanding. I looked at my hands then up at Arcelm. 

"You want me to kill, correct."

He smiled answering my question. I mean I couldn't just stall for a week, could I? was it even a week left? I had no idea. There was no time. The first demon ran attacking me which I quickly pulled over my head knocking his head hard enough in the ground to knock him out. More came at me and one by one I took them down till one changed bitting down on my shoulder pulling me back bitting deeper and deeper to my shoulder. I screamed and repeatidly punched the thing in the head till my hands were raw but there was no sign of it letting me go. I grabbed the top of its jaw pushing up making the bottum teeth sink deeper in my back and the teeth of the top into my hands. I yelled pushiing up till I could de-wedge myself from the beast but not before I heard a snap. Yelping filled my ears as the beast stumbled away not long before hitting it's head hard against the gard stone. Dead. It was like slow motion watching the beast slump over dead. I din't mean for it to happen. I looked at it in a daze. I felt someone wrap their arms around me trying to draw me away from staring at the dead creature. I looked up to see Shella crying and over at the trone with Arcelm smiling victoriously. I looked down at me hands noticing the wounds not healing. My skin was still pail and sickly looking. I knew Arcelm noticed too because his smile vanished and he looked at all the knocked out demons and the dead on then back at me angry. I pushed Shella behind me as I looked up seeing Bane and Arcelm standing above me. A sound echoed around us and I let out a sigh as a portal appeared and Frey, Molly and Balder all stepped out looking at the four of us and the Demons around that were around. I was bloody and beaten and was protecting another demon facing two others. 

"Arcelm, step away from my son."

My father sounded scary and they followed. Another portal appeared and Molly's mother stepped out. She smiled loving at her before glaring at the others and me and Shella. 

"Helena, he passed he gets to come home."

Frey was facing her and Arcelm waiting. She nodded and Molly ran right to me wrapping her arms around me. I smiled doing the same. Well as much my body would let me. Balder came over helping me and Shella looked happy for once. I was happy to see her actually smile and not force one. 

"Arcelm, you know the deal give it back to him."

Arcelm like a dog obeyed Helena giving the soul that was taken from me back. It was like a breath of fresh air once it went through me. I nodded a thanks and smiled and the glaring demon. 

"Told you I would win."

With that I was lead through the portal back home. Stepping through I let out slumping down making Balder accidently drop me on the rainbow bridge icy serfice. I just cried at that point. Everything I held back came rushing out in gasps and Molly just hugged me along with my father. I could feel myself shacking and hurting till a point I didn't want to move. I felt like I was stuck in a dream in the torture room but I could feel the warm instead of the cold. I heard more feet hiting the bridge stopping when they saw my shattered form. If I looked as bad as I felt I knew I no longer looked like myself. I looked up to the sky. 

"Shella, daughter of Sif I remeber the good soul and release you from Hel's wrath."

I barely got the sentence out when a pirecing blue light shot up. I could hear the breath of air as the light formed near us and Shella appeared without wings and shredded dress but a grown women much older thant he kid she appeared as in Hel standing before us. She looked down at her healthy taned skin. She wore a warrior's training uniform with gray and red shinnin gin the sun. She let out a laugh of amazment and I smiled at her holding my thumbs up at her. Sif looked shocked but ran over hugging her. She broke crying clinging to her mother. I was smiling now happy to see the reunitment of that. I of course met one other demon that needed freed. Asher was the one that was a servant to Bane and slipped me pain relieving syrums to help me through it. From hearing his story he was a helper in the arm camps that risked his life being killed by a greater demon to save a girl that sounded a lot like Shella. I did that same thing and another light shined and Asher appeared. Shella and him connected eyes and looked shocked to see one another. I laughed.

"I figured out who that girl was through the stories so I figgured I can repay the two of you this way for your help. That and Sif has been there for me since I was twelve so I owe her big time."

Sif laughed wipping a few tears from her eyes as Asher came up wrapping his arm arounf Shella and her mother. He always worse a hood and mask so I never knew what he looked like but seeing him now was a huge eye opening. He had short black hair and facial hair. He had bright eyes whering the uniform of a warrior. They were perfect for one another and it made me happier. I felt Molly move and Balder and Frey went ahead lifted me. I tried to help walking but winced every step of the way. The group of my friends and followed me  to the infermary where Eir started rushing to work. From the slight reflections I saw my hair did not go back to the color I had before and was black and still in a demon cut. Well that is great. 

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