Chapter Twelve

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I am not exactly sure when I fell asleep but when I woke to a splash of water in my face it was not the slightest pleasant. I groaned and blinked my eyes looking over at Gram who was laughing at me with a glare. 

"You know that I used to live with Lash right?"

This only made him laugh harder. I could see the other peering behind him in the door way. I sighed and looked to see a bad of fresh clothes in the corner. Now looking at all out gear and uniforms we looked like shit. Plain and Simple. Mud covered us head to toe, our hair was matted and filled with dirt. There were rips covering the cloth. 

"When did we get a bag of clothes?"

Molly crossed her arms.

"When your father came to pay a visit he brought refreshments as well. He may not have been happy but he is still a kind man and he even said that your pop up last night looked like a mess so..."

I scuffed and shook my head. 

"He brought it, grab clothes. I can only imagine how bad we smell to others right now."

They laughed and went to grab knew clothing. As they were pulling stuff out I saw a few brushes, weapons and other minor things to help. After they pulled clothes they all disappeared to who knows where to change. It was no supprise to see that all the clothing they had now was more comman folk suff than what we had before. There were less layers and that was a relief and a nice change to the thick layered stuff we were wearing before. The bad news was the clothing would not be able to take bad hits from demons like the other stuff. So yeah us. Silver hated what she had to wear. It was a short dress that was styled like a hoody with a low hood. It would be easy to move around but Silver hated dresses. I didn't realise but silver's hair was growing out and was about the length of my pinky. It now had to be swooped to the side to stay out of her eyes and was combed out neatly. There was no sign of mood but that didn't mean the next time we ran to a source of water we wouldn't be scrubbing the grime away. 

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Viddia was leather-based and thick

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Viddia was leather-based and thick. It was a brown and black leather dress that hit just above the ankle. It had a high color and two arm bands. Viddia put her hair in a braid that hit just below her shoulder blades. I could tell it was still knotted but it was a lot better.  

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