Chapter Seven

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I woke up sitting up quickly. The room was dark and I heard a steady beep of a ventilator next to me. I saw Molly slumped over in a chair to my right. Frey stood at the foot of my bed staring at me. Studying me. Like I was possessed or something.

"Rain, what happened? You started to freak when Lash asked if you wanted to see what happened."

I shook my head. 

"I don't know. I swear I don't know. It was like a wave of fear went through me and I needed to run but I couldn't."

"Rain, this is very important because we think you coming back alive brought a demon with you. It is called a Mare or a Mara. They feed on the soul by causing bad visions, dreams, and all sorts till they drive the host mad but after it happens they can't remember just the feeling."

"Wait I was actually dead?"

Frey let out a sigh running a hand through his brown curly hair. 

"Yes. Molly here. If she wasn't here the day it happened you would have stayed that way. It was like an emotional wave went through her and a black cloud rose through both of you and your heart started again. It was... it was not something you would want to see but I walked in just as her eyes turned a milky white and the dark fog appeared. I couldn't stop it."

"So I was dead. That is why everyone was shocked to see me awake."

He nodded slowly. 

"Son, you have to keep in mind they saw the condition you were. You seemed fine when you came but when you fell you turned white and dark veins appeared. Blood started to seep through your eyes and black ink substance came from your nose and mouth. It was like watching a horror movie. Then you were dead. You were in the afterlife for a day and a half. Baldur has been resurrected twice. He is the only god that is actually immortal only can be killed by one thing. Loki was the first to figure that out but later on after we brought him back the first time a dark force came with him and once it found a way to control his darkness was cast upon the castle. Only Thor knows what exact demon came with him but any demon is a bad demon. You don't come back to the present without one to tag along."

I looked shocked and I felt every hair stand on edge. 

"It is true. I am sorry Rain but it was like my powers had a mind of their own."

"Molly, you have nothing to be asham of. No one blames you."

Frey was now by her side with two hands on her shoulders. She knew what he said was true but she still was lost in thought. 

"Molly, You have no idea how grateful I am. How grateful my father is. Without you. I would be burning on the lost river on the east side."

She looked up and forced a smile. She looked even more pale than what she already was. I reached over and took her hand. 

"We will figure this out. together and I know exactly who can help us with this. Even though he annoys the living crap out of us. He would be the one to ask."

Frey held a tight smile but nodded. 

"I will be right back you two. Molly, you are in charge and please someone turns on a light. Comment is a lovely character but that boy is blinder than a bat when it comes traveling through a dark area."

I laughed.

"So are you dad. Don't judge too harshly."

He chuckled and opened the mass doors. A line of light appeared. I felt Molly's hand drop from mine and I heard the crack of the chair she sat on as she stood up. Twenty seconds later a blinding light shone and I clutched my eyes as red spots flashed along with my vision. 

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