Chapter Eleven

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The villiage we came upon was not something you ever wanted to see. Unlike the first one where people were still doing their day to day attributes here it was a ghost town. You could see thick clouds of smoke and the people that were out and about where walking around like zombies. It was a sore sight to see. The sun was at this point blocked out and if I was to summon the rays we would give way our location. The other Villiage that was maybe a mile from this one was in even worse shape than this one. The houses were borded up and cracks lined the walls. The fense that seperated it from the other was now splintered and on the ground. You could see dead bodies lying on the ground. The smell was even worse. It was the smell of death starch, rotten food and filth. I saw a dogtrought by litterly skin and bones with a human hand in it mouth. I grimced at the sight as I watched other animals attack the dead tearing at the raw meet for food. It was a sad, disgusting sight. 

"So what is the plan?"

Comment has been quite since the camp fire and hearing his voice about scared my bones out of my skin. 

"The demon activity is far worse than the other one. That is why the sky is so daark here and by having the sun come through it would mean an instant alarm to go off by both."

Molly was showing all of us the map now which was covered in different shades of dots. It had a new color added too red meaning a greater demon was present according to her and there was a lot of red dots lining the map for both villiages. 

"This is a bit uh out there but Gram can you dry the area out. Demons like stuff cold and if we could dry this place out to the last drop it could draw a lot of them out. Comment I need you to me a hologram of litterly anything that is not glowy and looks semi realistic to draw attention and make it big. Viddia, I need you to anger the shit out the demons all of them. Have them out hungry for each other and the hologram. Molly, Silver and I are going to split. The girls are going to draw the demons out from there while I play my part right smak senter of the two areas."

They all nodded and before I could dart from the tree lines Molly grabed my shoulder to stop me. I turned to look at everyone with an eyebrow raised. 

"What is your part? You are not exactly...well full of health, the demon did take a lot out of you."

I smiled mischieviously. 

"That is for my knowledge and my knowledge only but since he left I have a new talent right under my finger tips."

Molly glared at me and had a bone hand grab hold of my ankle hodilng me in my spot while the others disappeared including her. I tried removing my foot from it's grasp but it was no use. I closed my eyes summoning a tree that grew around my body, removing the hand from the arm attached. I stood taking the roots to where I needed to go. I swished my hands up making a tree atached to my other appear in what I hoped was the middle. I clapped my hands together than pulled the appart allowing the barck to sepperate allowing me to climb out from my tunnel. It closed behind me and thankfully I was out just in time as the gass and tree died and cracked dirt appeared under my feet. Liiterly a giant ball of water was in the air with Gram in the middle holding all the water he pulled from the air, ground and area around him. I heard screams of angered demons as both Villiages started to empty to surround each other. It was a mad fight as we watched the weaker demons tair at each other and the others attack the giant night. The other villiage were battling against a buch of dead soilders and Silver was commanding a bunch of animals that were also dead. How I had no idea. The group they were dealing was much worse and soon surrounding them. I almost took off running to them if Molly didn't find a shadow grabing Silver and shadow traveling out of there. Gram grabbed Viddia and Comment as well to exit as their group was now starting to breack from Viddia's hold and the Hologram was strating sizzle out. Gram allowed the water enter the air instead the ground making it a lot more humid and I could see the group hidding in the dead plants of the woods looking arounf frantic to where I was. I mentally appologized and reached up summoning the rays of sun to start shining thorugh causing another roar to burst throught the air. I started working faster making the light expand around me but once I got one ray to come through another cloud of black covered the one I did before that. I could see the demons now rushing to me as certian ones stayed back working on fighting the sun so the others could stay out to get rid of the enemy which of course was my dumb ass. I looked back at the pack of demons seeing them coming at me faster now. I took in quicker breaths letting out a scream as I summoned more at one time. I could feel the heat on my skin and the pull in my stomach as they got closer. I finally just let go and summoned the sun all at once. My body took it in quick and I could feel the light gather on my skin. I consitrated all the light to the palm of my hands and shot it the light like I was Ironman. I could feel the blisters bubble and pop on my palms but I kept going. I sent it at ever creature on both sides till all you could smell was barbaque and burning flesh and wood. I dropped to my hands looking at my palms and the bubbles popping on the palms of them. I bit my lip to conceal the scream as the steam came off them. 

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