I picked my keys up and bag making my way to the door and started heading off to his house.


I stepped in front of his house, in awe. I'm glad his house is the complete opposite of Shoto's... it was modern, but still a lot bigger than mine. I shook the thought off and walked to the front door, knocking on it. There was no answer the first time, so I knocked again. Suddenly, I heard running footsteps coming towards the door. It swung open, revealing my 'lovely' boyfriend.

"You good there?" I said, putting a hand on my hip.

"YES. EVERYTHING'S FINE." he snapped, stepping aside and welcoming me into the house.

"Wow, what kind of job do your parents even have?" I asked.

He clicked his tongue, "You can use the extra pair of slippers there and my dad is a designer,"

"Oh, interesting..." I kicked my sneakers off and slipped into the provided slippers. Bakugo walked ahead of me, making me follow him like a duck. We headed up to the second floor to where the living area was.

"We can study here, I guess," He said, shrugging before leaving the room to get his things. I dropped my bag on the floor in front of one of the couches and started looking around. The wall in front of me was lined with a giant bookcase, while the other was a completely plain yet aesthetically pleasing white wall. There was a coffee table in the middle of the two couches and a circle rug under it.

"What are you looking at?" Bakugo said, walking into the room with his notebooks and bag.

"Nothing, it's so simple yet elegant here. Completely different from my house," I chuckled, plopping down on one of the couches.

"Tch, it's not that great," He said, putting his things down on the table and sitting next to me. He started organizing his things by each subject. I leaned down to grab my bag and pulled my typed up notes on the table, "But it is. It's simple but it has a cozy feel to it,"

He shrugged, "So, what do you want to start on first?"

"How about math?" I shrugged, "It was one of my weakest subjects on the midterm..."

Bakugo grabbed the notebook I had in my hand and started writing down a bunch of math problems. He then took his notebook out and showed me the work he did for the first question, guiding me through it.




"You do this one now, while I look through the other subjects,"

I nodded, sighing, "Yes sirrrr!"


After a few hours of going over math by myself with Bakugo's help and me helping him with history, I threw my head back on the couch, "I can't do this anymore! All I see are equations!"

He was still busy studying over the content quietly as if he didn't hear me. I looked at him surprised. He's never really this quiet... what a shock. Then, an idea came to my head. I got up, taking the notes from him and throwing it in the pile of papers that were spread out on the table.

"HELLO? I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF READING SOMETHING," he shouted, looking up at me.

I cocked my head to the side, "Yeah, but it's been hours!"


I crossed my arms, "My point is, I'm tired of this and need a break!"

He leaned back, "What the hell do you want me to do about it?"

Daughter of Aizawa (True Colours) | | S.Todoroki, K.BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now