Chapter 14: Protection

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Once we pulled away he hugs me again.
"Hey Xavier. I don't want to ruin the moment or anything but I think we should go..."
"Ugh" he groans, "it wasn't suppose to be like this! Our first kiss wasn't suppose to be in a girls bathroom. I'm so sorry I ruined it for you."
"Hey Xavier! It was amazing ok? I don't regret any of it."
He nods and looks at me.
"Let's go ok?" I grabbed his hands and we walked out the bathroom. I try not to blush as he intertwine our fingers and we went to pay the bill, and of course he insists on paying so I let him and we leave with our duffle bags (which he, of course again, ended up holding).
"Where do you wanna go?" He Asia while putting on his hat and I put on my mask to cover my face.
"I don't know... that mall?" I asked.
It was currently 4:10pm and I didn't feel like doing homework.
"Cool, lets go. We got to walk tho cuz we didn't drive." I shrug and jumped into his back. He catches me but yells in surprise anyways.
"Or you could walk and carry me." I grinned. He shakes his head but continues. After like 10 mins I got off his back.

"Xavier?" I hear a female voice call from behind us and he tenses.

A/n. Sry for short chapter. Wattpad deleted mine so I just filled it enough to move on with the story.

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