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A/n Just a Drama Free sneak peak for y'all who has been waiting for the whole book.

***Important Announcement at the end of the chapter, Please Read****



No one's POV

Mingyu yawned, rubbing his eyes as he walks down the stairs in nothing but his pyjama pants because he felt too constricted when wearing a shirt while sleeping and he didn't want to put one on after he woke up.

So when he walked into the kitchen, everyone fell silent, a spoon even fell, and a certain fox eyed man eyed his naked torso.

Their leader who just walked out from the washroom, stops on his tracks when he noticed the half naked man in the room and he scrunched his face in feign disgust. "Yah, Don't you own a shirt?"

Loud laughters was heard and their two youngest boys came running into the kitchen, Hansol stops when he noticed his half naked older brother while Dino went straight to seat beside Jeonghan, the latter smiling fondly as their maknae greets everyone a good morning.

"Damn, Mingyu hyung, have you been working out?" Hansol smiled in amazement, secretly feeling jealous of the tall man's almost defined abs and a very toned chest. don't forget the biceps.

"Yes, I have. Thank you for noticing." The tall man grinned before walking to where his lover is seated, who was still staring at him by the way, and placed a kiss on the said man's head, "Hi, Jagi," he smiled before leaving to the washroom.

"Ah, that man really," The small male said scrunching his nose,
"I just lost my appetite seeing that sweaty torso of his," then pushes his plate away before taking the nearest cup of coffee he could reach, which was Soonyoung's and drank it. the latter pouting at the loss of a good cup of coffee but didn't complain when he saw his tiny lover enjoying the coffee.

"But hyung, you don't say that when Soonyoung hyung's the one walking around half naked," their maknae said so casually and half of his hyungs chokes on their food, the small male almost spits his coffee and now glares at the maknae.

"Yah, stop saying things like that. Do you want Jisoo to read you a chapter of the bible again?" Seungcheol tries to scare the maknae but was immediately proven ineffective when the maknae just shrugs his shoulder.

"It's not i said something unholy hyungs, I was just stating facts." Dino said, his words almost muffled because of the pork cutlets he's continuously shoving into his mouth. He loves meat.

"And i heard my name, what's going on?"

And Dino almost chokes when Jisoo walks in, staring at them, waiting for someone to answer his question. But when no one answered, he just chuckles and shakes his head, left to the kitchen counter and made himself a coffee, his back facing the kitchen doorway.

"Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!"

A Seokmin with a bright smile came running into the room, his smile indicates that he is in a good mood, like always. Also noticeable is how sweaty he looks, from drips on his forehead down to his collar and arms which was so visible in his light blue tank top, biceps popping out and glistened with sweat as he just came back from his morning jog.

Jisoo turns around, taking a sip of his coffee, when he saw the smiley face man, all sweaty and  looking sexy, he almost splutters his coffee but ends up choking and coughs outloud, catching everyone's attention. Seokmin immediately frowned in concern, didn't hesitate and went to help his hyung, being totally unaware the he was the cause of it.

A few more coughs later and Jisoo finally recovered, heaving a little before noticing the small and only gap between him and Seokmin, he felt his face flushed red as the younger stared down at him, concern and worry still evident in his eyes. Jisoo felt flattered but at the same time embarrassed.

"Are you okay now hyung?" Seokmin's melodious voice snaps the older from his trance and he blushed darker at the thought that he was caught staring. He clears his throat and backs away a little.

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks Minie" and the petname already slipped out his mouth before he could stop it and Jisoo felt like dying of embarrassment right now.

Smiling at the petname, Seokmin opens his mouth to respond when someone cleared their throat loudly and the two finally realizes the others presence in the room. They completely step away from each other just as Mingyu finally comes out of the washroom.

The tall man, takes a seat beside his lover, notices the silence in the room, frowns adorably in confusion, "Did i miss anything?"

His lover, Wonwoo, rolls his eyes, shoves a forkful of pork cutlet on the tall man's mouth before answering, "Nothing,"



Since things are not working out the way they should. Like the sequel of COTE should've been posted 2 months ago but got delayed for stupid reasons. You already know the reason for the delay, So I don't have to explain it again. Turns out my two month leave was not approved by our boss which really sucks because now I'm stuck with so much work to do, I barely have time to work on the sequel.

So for the betterment of everything I have decided to cancel BAD BLOOD that was supposed to come out in December but I thought it would be best if I focus on one story first instead of struggling working with two at the same time.

For now, I'm gonna give you sneak peaks every two weeks until further notice. Rest assured the sequel of COTE will be done within this year.

All I ask is your understanding my dear readers.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

If you were to choose one boygroup to have a conflict or rivalry with SEVENTEEN (for the story only), which boygroup would it be?

This has been your author

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