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It was a beautiful saturday morning and Ms. Gaeul just got back from her break. Some fellow staff treated them to snacks just at the cafe outside the campus.

Ms. Gaeul chuckled as her friends continued sending her texts and random stuffs through their group chat.

Instead of reading or answering any of the texts, Ms. Gaeul just smiled and slipped her phone back on her bag. She started making her way to her desk but immediately stopped walking when she noticed 13 folders sitting on top of her table.

Those folders weren't there when she left for the break, so she was really was a bit surprised.

Letting out a breath, Ms. Gaeul continued walking to her desk and takes the top folder before sitting down on her chair.

There was writings on the cover of the folder and it read.

Character Development Profile
of Choi Seungcheol

Ms. Gauel then realized after reading the title that the folders were none other than the profiles of her previous class. The group of 13 boys that she handled under the special class.

Mr. Hwan must've left the folders on her table as she was supposed to be the one to give a final review and evaluation, being the teacher and all, to the boys' profile before it is sent to the president's office.

Ms. Gaeul felt sadness came over her. She miss the boys terribly. They might not have started on the right foot but they surely ended on the perfect note.

Leaning back on her chair, Ms. Gaeul began evaluating the boys' profiles. The more she read, the blurrier her eyes got.

Character Development Profile
of Choi Seungcheol

Name: Choi Seungcheol
Height: 178cm
Weight: 65kg
Eyecolor: dark brown
Hair color: Greyish Blue
Group Status: Leader of the Seventeen
Known for: being a responsible leader and trust worthy friend to his members, Strenght and Determination to succeed, being Childish (sometimes). The Father figure of Seventeen.
Talent: Rapping and Dancing

Character Development Profile
of Yoon Jeonghan

Name: Yoon Jeonghan
Height: 178cm
Weight: 62kg
Eyecolor: Greyish Black
Hair color: Blush Pink
Group status: The Playful Hyung
Known for: always teasing his members especially the maknae line, the weird hyung with even weirder antics, the therapist and good listener, The mother figure of Seventeen.
Talent: Singing and Dancing

Character Development Profile
of Hong Jisoo

Name: Hong Jisoo
Height: 177cm
Weight: 60kg
Eyecolor: Black
Hair color: Blush Pink
Group status: The other weird Hyung
Known for: reading the bible on his freetime, Being a gentleman, Jeonghan's partner in crimes a.k.a. teasing the other members, The uncle figure of Seventeen.
Talent: Singing and Dancing.

Character Development Profile
of Wen Junhui

Name: Wen Junhui
Height: 180cm
Weight: 66kg
Eyecolor: Black
Hair color: Dark Copper
Group status: The Visual god of Seventeen
Known for: Being a handsome weirdo, the model hyung, has more weird antics than Jeonghan and Jisoo combined, self proclaimed prince of china.
Talent: Singing and Dancing.

Character Development Profile
of Kwon Hoshi

Name: Kwon Soonyoung
Height: 177cm
Weight: 60kg
Eyecolor: Black
Hair color: Bright Red
Group status: The Cute Choreographer
Known for: Mad Dancing skills, sweaty man, in-denial Hamster baby, Self proclaimed Prince
Talent: Choreographing, Singing and Rapping.

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