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"What exactly do you want the boys to do sir?" The teacher asked.

The boys stares at the three visitors and are trying their best not show to their feelings of being worried and afraid on what might happen or is about to happen.

The Council president clears his throat, startling the boys.

"We always give one challenge test to the special class and each year is a different test. None is the same, none is repeated. This year is not an exception. So we have thought about this deliberately and we also had multiple formal discussion before reaching a decision."

"And we think this challenge test will help you boys be more progressive in class. We know you'll enjoy this activity anyways"

"Long story short, The school board wants you to join the annual talent show. It's mandatory so none of you can't say no"

The three visitors said one after the other and the boys, even the teacher, just look at them dumbfounded. Hansol couldn't believe what he was hearing.

What did they want the boys to do now? Join a Talent Show? Are they serious? Did they really think the boys would comply just like that to their request?

The teacher fears that the boys would do something reckless just because of this announcement and her fear immediately came true when one of the boys suddenly retaliates.

"What the hell!? Are you F*cking serious right now!? First you put us in this stupid class and now you want us to join a stupid show!? What are we, your pets!?"

Seungcheol couldn't hold back anymore, sure he had manage to not quit the class even though he wants to sometimes, but this was the last straw for him. They are asking for too much.

"Hyung calm down, let's listen to them first"

Mingyu tried but Seungcheol had gone deaf. Seungcheol will only listen if he is calm but is far from being calm at the moment.

"What makes you think you can decide for us!? Mandatory my a*se!"

Seungcheol moves to stand up but he was immediately pulled down by Mingyu and Jeonghan and he remained sitting because the two had a grip on his both arms. Mingyu just don't want his hyung to do something he'd regret, so as scared as he was, he painfully tightened his grip around Seungcheol who was nearly trashing on his seat.


"And i thought you finally learned some manners, but i see you haven't" the supervisor said giving the teacher a very disappointed look and the teacher looks down in the floor in shame.

That made Seungcheol stop.

He suddenly felt guilty as realization hit him, his bad behaviour may not have backfired to him but it backfired to someone who doesn't deserve it. To someone who did nothing but help him and Seungcheol feels that this is not how he should repay that person, by getting the person in trouble.

Seungcheol gave Jeonghan and Mingyu a look and they immediately understood and lets go of the oldest. With a heavy heart, Seungcheol stands up and bows 90° towards the three visitors. His action surprising everyone in the room. The teacher the most.

"I apologize for the way i acted and for my bad behaviour. I should have not said those words and i should have tried to listen to you first. Please do not blame the teacher for my actions. This was only me and i take full responsibilty for my mistakes. No one else should be at fault but me"

To say the three visitors were shocked is an understatement. They are also impressed at the sudden behaviour change of the boy. He did make a good progress after all.

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