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"Boys listen up!"

One of the council members said to which Seungcheol immediately retaliated to.

"The hell would i listen to you! How dare you choose us for your stupid tradition! I won't participate!" Seungcheol stands up, kicking one of the plastic chairs before walking out of the gym. He was immediately followed by The8 and Dino but they left in a more calm mood and promised the council members that they will not quit on the tradition, that they will think about it first. The council member nods understandingly and then turns his attention to the remaining students.

"So does anyone want to follow?" The council member said in a joking manner and the boys turned their attention to Gyu, the only delinquent who didn't follow their leader's actions. Seungkwan gave the lanky teen a weird look and Gyu noticed it.


"Are you not going with your friends?" Seungkwan asked and Gyu smiled before shaking his head no.

"Why should i?" Gyu said and Seungkwan just shrugged his shoulder. He didn't say anymore and the council member took that as his cue to explain all the things the boys should know before they start their special class on monday.

"Okay, first i'll discuss with you the rules–"

"Great more rules" Wonwoo rolled his eyes as he rudely cuts off the council member. Some of the boys actually agreed with the emo boy.

"It's just a few simple rules boys, it's not gonna be that hard to follow"

When the boys remained silent, The council members finally lists down the rules.

"First rule, NEVER EVER skip this class. Skip just once and you'll suffer the consequence. Worse case scenario, you'll get expelled on the spot. Second Rule, Don't ever disobey the teacher. You can't also complain. I hear one complain, you'll get punished. Third rule, always come in class on time. No Tardiness allowed. Am i clear so far?"

The boys, once again, remained silent and the council member is not sure if that was a good thing or not.

"We also don't want to see you boys fighting or bickering with each other, there will be consequences for that also" the council member added.

"Three out of the four rules, rest assured will be followed with no worries. However the fourth rule, we may have some concerns about that"

As expected, Seungkwan was the first one to react.

"Why the fourth rule Seungkwan?" The council member asked.

Before Seungkwan could even answer, Jeonghan already opened his mouth.

"Bitch the only way to avoid fights is if you learn how to shut your damn mouth" Jeonghan smiled smugly as he leaned back on the chair putting his hands behind his head.

The boys stared at Jeonghan in surprise before turning their attention to Seungkwan who didn't waste any second to retaliate.

"How dare you talk to me like that! You're the Bitch here and not me, No you're more than a bitch, You're a WHORE!" Seungkwan was known to never back down on a fight so him retaliating to Jeonghan was Inevitable.

The boys were taken aback and they just sit there quietly, waiting for what's gonna happen next and they weren't disappointed when Jeonghan retaliated back, a little harsher than expected.

"At least i know how to socialize. Unlike you, you are nothing but a fake person who survives the school for being nosy and annoying. You create and spread gossips because you have nothing better to do than to destroy others life. You are nothing but a lonely boy who doesn't have real friends! That's how pitiful you are!"

the council member was lefy speechlees, he didn't know what to do nor how to react. Jeonghan was really making it obvious that he won't back down on the argument either and even though the hurt was visible in Seungkwan's eyes, he didn't back down either.

"You're such a hypocrite! Are you not doing the same thing? You also destroy others life by making them fall for you then you force them into sleeping with you and then you break their hearts afterwards! You are the heartless monster! You don't deserve to live!" Seungkwan retaliates once again but at the end of his response, his voice crack and Jeonghan secretly smirked at that.

Jeonghan have a feeling that he will win this argument, he just need to say the right words and the argument will end for sure.

"Guys please stop it, The council member is still here with us. Could you atleast show some little respe–"

"If I'm a Monster then what are you?"

Seokmin sighs and looks at Jeonghan in disbelief for rudely cutting him off. Did Jeonghan cared? No.

Seungkwan was suddenly at loss for words and Jeonghan visibly smirked at that.

"Boys please enough, we still have a lot to discuss about your clas–"

"Cat got your tongue fat boy?"
Jeonghan rudely cuts off the council member as he stands up and tauntingly walk to where Seungkwan was sat.

The brunette boy was now looking down at floor and Jeonghan leaned down, forcefully making Seungkwan look up to him by harshly grabbing the younger boy's jaw with his hand.

"See, you can badmouth me anytime you want but the thing is you can never win against me. So i suggest to keep your mouth shut or else i'd do it for you. Trust me, you wouldn't like it one bit" Jeonghan tightened his grip and Seungkwan visibly winced in pain. Feeling satisfied, Jeonghan harshly lets go of Seungkwan and walks out of the room like nothing happened.

The council member just sat there in shock and astonishment. Even the boys were silent, they didn't know how to react properly. Seokmin gave a pitiful look towards Seungkwan who in return glared at him. Someone cleared their throat and Seokmin embarrassingly looks away from Seungkwan.

The council member opens his mouth to speak when Seungkwan abruptly stands up and stomps out of the room. Soon, one by one, the boys stands up and did the same thing. Everyone left except for Gyu and Soonyoung.

"Aish what is wrong with them? They're like bunch of chickens...wait did i say chickens? I actually meant childrens" Soonyoung laughs at his own mistake and Gyu only gave him a weirded out look before sighing and casually walks out of the room.

Soonyoung pouted before smiling at the still bewildered council member.

"See you on monday, Mr. Council Man!"

Soonyoung bows 90° then walks out the room in a fast pace.

The council member shakes his head and deeply sighs.

This is gonna be alot of hard work for them.

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