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Hansol gulps nervously as he takes the blindfold from the teacher and puts it on over his eyes. He can feel his hands sweating and his heart hammering. His ears were also warming up, a sign that he was already flushed red and he wasn't even asked yet.

He really was that nervous.

"What can you do to ease someone from their insecurities?"

A bead of sweat trickled down Hansol's neck as he tries to calm himself while thinking of an answer for the question at hand. Few minutes passed when Hansol finally came up of an answer.

"You cannot really ease someone from their insecurities because being insecure is unavoidable. It happens to all of us. The only thing i can do is to make that someone understand that being confident about yourself is not a bad thing. It's a beautiful thing to see someone who fully accepts and loves theirselves for who they are and not for what others want them to be."

Hansol didn't mean to give an answer that long but once he started talking, he couldn't seem to control himself anymore. It's only when he felt eyes on him that he forced himself to stop. Embarrassed, Hansol looks down on his lap and waited until the teacher took the blindfold off of him. Hansol even blush darker when he sees the surprised looks on the other boys' faces.

The teacher clears her throat and all the boys immediately looks away from Hansol and closed their eyes.

Following after Hansol, the teacher chose none other than Seungkwan. The boy that was enthralled by Hansol from Day one.

"Have you ever felt shy and insecure around others?"

That question may or may not have hit Seungkwan like a brick. His smile slightly faltering and his posture quivering. Noticing his composure, Seungkwan immediately plasters a forced smile and sits up properly and feigning confidence he answered.


"And Why not?"

The teacher countered almost immediately and that made Seungkwan's eye twitch. Still, with the same forced smile, Seungkwan answered again.

"Why should i be insecure about myself? There's nothing wrong with me and i'm just as perfect as everyone else think they are. Insecurity is for the weak people who are too consumed with their stupid thoughts. They are so consumed that even the slightest of differences can kill them. I don't care what others think of me. I'm not not gonna change myself just to satisfy them. Bitch i wasn't born to live up to your standards"

Even though his answer was oozing with confidence and a little bit arrogance, Seungkwan can't deny the fact that he still felt fear when he said those words, especially infront of the boys.

He hears a scoff and turns his head to the direction he thought it came from.

"Boy, you should really know how to shut your sassy a*se off. It annoys me to death"

Seungkwan immediately recognized who that was. Well who else would retaliate against Seungkwan? Jeonghan, of course.
But before Seungkwan could retaliate in return, the teacher interrups them and gave Jeonghan a warning look.

Rule no. 4. No Fighting.

So the two boys reluctantly avoided each other and the game was almost coming to an end. Just two more boys to be questioned and those two were none other than the two oldest boys in the room.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol.

Jeonghan went first.

"Which one weighs more to you, Fame or Love?"

Behind the blindfold, Jeonghan rolled his eyes. For the boys, it was pretty obvious what the heartthrobe will choose. Or so they thought.


Jeonghan's answer immediately got reactions from the boys. The best reaction was from Seungkwan who faked sneeze and when the teacher asked him why he sneezed. He answered with a smug look on his face.

"I'm allergic to bullshit"

Some of the boys laughed while some just shook their head in annoyance. They really couldn't get a day without the two fighting and bickering.

"Shut it fat face"

Jeonghan knew better than to retaliate but he just couldn't control himself and did it anyways.  Seungkwan was about to retaliate but the teacher gave him a warning look this time and he reluctantly shuts up.

Jeonghan smiled at that.

"Okay Jeonghan, Explain"

"With pleasure"

Jeonghan sits up properly.

"Love weighs more than Fame. You can have all the Fame and Fortune in the world but that is not enough to guarantee you happiness. That will only feed your desires but never your heart. But with Love, it will not only fill your heart, it will also give you life. Love is the simplest thing you can have and give but it is also the most powerful and most precious in the world. Fame nor Fortune can't give you what Love can, True Happiness"

Jeonghan finished with a proud smile on his face. While the boys are reacting to Jeonghan's answer, Seungkwan could only roll his eyes and scoffs when he made eye contact with Jeonghan.

The teacher looks at the boys fondly before moving on to ask the last boy from the group who had not yet had the chance to be questioned.


Unlike Hansol, Seungcheol was pretty stoic and bland. As if he doesn't care about the game and was just playing it for the sake of his friends and He is, he actually couldn't wait for the game to be finally over. He had been craving for beer for the last hour and the game is the only thing that is holding him back from walking out of the room and buy beer.

Seungcheol is starting to hate the class.

"Would you sacrifice Fame for Love?"

"I don't know"

That answer got a raised eyebrow from the teacher.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

Seungcheol rolled his eyes.

"I just don't. I guess i'd know the answer when the time comes but for now i want a break. I need a drink"

Not waiting for the teacher to respond, Seungcheol takes off the blindfold, left the circle  and then left the room. Leaving the twelve other boys and teacher in shock.

It was few minutes later when the boys got out of their shock and they too started leaving the room but they did it more politely than Seungcheol.

When all the boys had left, The teacher sighs.

Those boys need more work.

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