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It felt like forever but in reality, they have only been waiting for a few minutes. Seungkwan was still in the emergency and the boys are dying in impatience, figuratively.

Seungcheol couldn't sit still and he started pacing back and forth. He was probably the most impatient among the boys. Well  Jeonghan is but the younger have more control than Seungcheol.

"Cheolie sit down. You're making me dizzy" Jeonghan whined and Seungcheol did stop but only for a second before he continued again.

"Poor floor" Wonwoo mumbled and Mingyu chuckled. Another fact that no one expected from the emo boy was his tendency to utter lame jokes, Mingyu seems to enjoy it though.

Few more minutes passed when the doctor finally came out, Jeonghan hastily stood up and approached the doctor.

"How is he? Is he gonna be okay?"

The doctor shakes his head and sighs. The look on his face was gloomy and that scared Jeonghan.

"It was lucky that you got there on time, based on the tests, he hasn't been on the water that long. He still swallowed alot of water and that had cut off the oxygen level on his brain hence why he's still unconcious"

"Are you implying that our friend is in a coma?"

The boys chorused a gasp and Jeonghan feels himself tearing up again.

"Oh no no no He's not. He's fine, he's just still unconscious right now but maybe in a couple of hours or three, he will wake up. It's a good thing that you got there on time because if you were late for even a minute or two, he could've drowned and–" the doctor immediately stopped himself when he noticed the look on the boys' faces. He apologizes and decided to change the subject.

"Anyways, when you're friend wakes up, i recommend that he go see a pyschiatrist. The trauma from the accident might have had triggered this kind of behaviour and if left unchecked, who knows what he will do next"

"As much as we want to, we don't know any psychiatrist, doctor"

"We have a resident psychiatrist, Dr. Jeon. I will talk to him about you're friend's case"

Seungcheol thanked the doctor.

The doctor discussed a few more things to the boys before leaving them. One nurse approached the boys and told them that Seungkwan was already transferred in a private room, she gave them the room number and the boys almost rushed to get there.

"He looks so peaceful" Jeonghan muttered as he stood at the bedside, eyeing the sleeping boy with a soft yet sad eyes.

Jeonghan then turns to Seungcheol.

"Cheolie i'm scared"

"Of what Hannie?"

Seungcheol stood beside Jeonghan with a concerned look on his face.

"What if.......what if he tries again? What if Seungkwan tries to kill himself again? Cheolie i can't—i'm not strong enough"

Seungcheol pulls Jeonghan in a hug, the younger sobbing lightly on his chest.

"Hyung don't say that. Seungkwan is not suicidal, he's just mentally troubled right now. And we will get help for him"

"Ne hyung, don't lose hope. We'll be here every step of the way. We get through this together"

Jeonghan smiled at Jun and Seokmin, thanking the two for being supportive and positive.

"You are all too emotional.....Ah i just hope my Dad takes Seungkwan's case, knowing that old man, he can be picky when it comes to patients"

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