"Max, I lo- I'll always be here for you!" Ross quickly stated before he darted back inside of his room, leaving me to watching his door slam shut. What was that about? I asked myself as I quickly walked back inside of my bedroom, if Jerry is arriving in Seattle today then that means that Pookie will most likely tag along by picking him up at the airport, guess that means we are all hanging out today. I moaned in annoyence as I plopped back down on my bed, the last thing I wanted to do was to go outside of the appartment, I did not want to risk running into Adam or Jin.

You can't stay in bed all day, Senpai won't notice us if we lock ourselves in our bedroom... A whispery voice echoed through my head, I sighed as I quickly turned on one of my playlists before I asked the voice what they meant. Obviously we want Senpai to notice us right, we need to act extremely outgoing just for him!

"Hah, I'll take a hard pass." I muttered before I fixed my glasses which sat on the crook of my nose.

But you know you want him, why are you just going to leave our Senpai alone, allowing anyone to take him? The voice asked in a mimicking tone, I could feel my fists clenching in anger however I knew that I couldn't just hit my head otherwise that would send pain to myself instead of the voice inside of my head.

"Ross is a freeman, besides Ross is straight- right?" I asked and at first the voice was silent until I heard a small laugh ring throughout my ears.

I don't know, is he Max? He talked about being straight one day in Skymedia then talked about a male's private not even a minute afterwards!

"Yeah but maybe it was one of his jokes!" I growled but, before I could say anything else I looked up to find Ross standing inside of my doorway, I quickly paused my music and turned my head to face him, "I-uh hey, Ross?"

"Why do you always whisper to yourself Max, it's kinda creepy; anyways Jerry and Pookie are leaving the airport and they want to meet up with us in Seattle's central park!" Ross beamed at me before he turned away to walk out of my room, "Oh and by the way, if you ever want to turn a song on full volume I'd suggest the song, Rosstime!" Ross joked as he walked down the hallway, I quickly followed him but I closed the door behind us.

As Ross and I walked out of the apartment I found myself drifitng closer to Ross however Ross did not seem to realize this or if he did realize then he was hiding it well. I sighed to myself as I opened the door to the driver side and watched as Ross hopped into the passenger side, our seatbelts clicked, into their rightful places but as soon as I pulled out of the driveway I noticed something different in the corner of my eye. I slowly glanced over to realize that on Ross's ring finger he wore a black band around the finger.

"R-ross, what is that band for?" I found myself asking but before Ross could look at me, my face went straight for the road. I heard Ross giggle beside me as his seat creaked from sudden movement.

"Oh, I guess I did not tell you yet; Max I'm going to ask a girl named, Kristene out on a date later tonight!"

"K-Kristene, what is this girl like Ross?" I found myself asking as my face paled in realization, I knew that Ross would never love me but I thought that we grew closer, close enough to call ourselves more than friends.

"Oh Kristene is perfect, she has radiant blonde hair and bright blue eyes; Kristene even works at a hospital and she cares for sick people!" Ross smiled as he leaned his head back in a happy sigh, "She is the prettiest maiden on the streets..."

"I-how long have you two been talking?" I asked dumbfounded by millions of other questions that roared through my head.

"Oh, ever since you knocked out at Adam's party. I managed to get her phone number so, I text her every night!" I glanced over to realize that Ross's was smiling ear-to-ear, even if I ddi love Ross I know that I could never force him to love me.

"G-good for you, buddy." I managed to chirp as I continued to focus on the road ahead of us, the rest of the ride to the park was thankfully silent; as soon as we reached the park, I found myself keep a good 2 feet away from Ross. I just want Ross to be happy... As Ross and I strolled through the park we eventually found Pookie and Jerry who were sitting underneath a tall Rowan tree.

"Hey!" Pookie exclaimed as Ross and I strolled towards them, I slowly fell to the ground beside the tree and watched as the three of them did the same.

"Can we play a game like truth or dare?" Jerry spoke almost as soon as he sat down. I felt my heart thunder in my chest in fear, this was surely the way to leak out everything that I wanted to hide.

"Sure why, not." Pookie and Ross hummed in chorus, it came down to me, the three of them turned to look at me almost as though I yelled out I murdered a 3 year old. I sheepishly looked at the ground before muttering a small ok...

"Great, Ross truth or dare!" Jerry began as his dark brown eyes looked into Ross's bright brown eyes. Ross apprehensively looked at the ground before facing Jerry.


"What is your sexuality?" Jerry challenged, I glanced over at Ross whose eyes darted between the three of us. Ross looked at the ground once more before answering the question.

"Bi, I'm Bisexual." I felt as though my heart skipped a beat, did Ross really say that he was Bi? I glanced over at Ross whose face was a bright shade of crimson red.

"Oh, well then." Pookie shrugged before Ross could ask his question.

"Pookie, truth or dare!"

"Dare." Pookie answered briefly before meeting Ross's eyes.

Ross looked at me before a smile grew on his face, "I dare you to kiss Jerry."

"N-no, I want a truth instead please!" Pookie begged as he began to scoot backwards until he accidently fell onto his back.

"Did your mama raise a B*ch?" I asked as I shot him a crooked smile, Pookie shot up into a sitting position before glaring at me in annoyence, "Go on Pookie!~"

"I-fine..." Pookie sighed as he slowly walked towards Jerry, Jerry looked up at him and the two friends sat there in silence before Pookie gave Jerry a quick peck on the cheek. Suddenly the sound of a camera sounded and I turned my head to find Ross taking pictures of the moment. "ROSS!" Pookie screamed as Jerry broke away from him.

"What, your both so cute together!" Ross smirked as he put down his phone, "anyways it's your turn Pookie."

"Ugh fine, Max truth or dare!"

"Dare!" I growled in a menacing tone before meeting Pookie's eyes, Pookie raised an eyebrow at me before he smiled evily.

"Fine, I dare you to become a Mad Max for the rest of this round..." Pookie continued to talk but I couldn't hear him. Infact everything around me was inaudible, I found myself spinning until darkness over took me.

I blinked open my eyes to find myself in the offices with Adam hovering over me, his hands were on my chest and he was getting close to me. "How about we make this fun Max? If you pretend to get mad everytime someone calls you Mad Max then I will allow you to talk to Ross once a week without harming you, however everytime you shrug the name off I will have my fun." Adam smiled crookedly and I frowned for a moment.

"But, why do I need to get mad at that name? I have a calm personality and getting mad like a time-bomb will drive me insane." I looked at the ground but Adam quickly lifted my chin with his hand. I could feel his hot breath breathing down onto my face as he stared into my eyes.

"Do you want Ross to be afraid? Do you want me to touch Ross?" Adam smirked evily and I could feel hot tears stream down my eyes as I quickly shook my head in response, "then do as I say!" Suddenly Adam backtracked his hand but before I could say anything his hand grazed my left cheek leaving me dazed for words.

"Max! MAX!" A voice called, I looked up at Adam whose eyes were now becoming a faint amber, before I could say anything I found myself in the park once more. Ross was kneeling on the ground beside me, his hands were on my shoulders meanwhile Jerry and Pookie watched with concern from behind him.

"I-oh, hey!" I chirped acting as though nothing happened, the three guys gave each other a quick look before glancing back at me, "Hey how about we head to Ross and I's place, we can play some Smash Brothers there!" I smiled to myself as the three of them nodded in response, I slowly got to my feet and I watched the three of them walk towards the parking lot. As I followed them I could still feel the stinging on my cheek where Adam had slapped me.

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