Let's Talk

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"Argh. That fucking hurt," moaned Tweek as he sat in the snow, rubbing his sore head.
Craig looked down at Tweek with round, glossy eyes.
"I am so sorry Tweek!" He wailed. "I never meant to hurt you."
"I guess it was my fault too," Kenny admitted guiltily, " I threw the first punch."
"Man that got way outta hand. Sorry Craig. Sorry Tweeker- ur- Tweek," Kenny added awkwardly.
"Its fine," Tweek dismissed.
"Can we just talk properly now please? No screaming at each other or throwing accusations or punches. Just talking and listening," he pleaded.

Kenny turned to Craig expectantly and the boy felt a heavy coat of shame settle over him like the dusk snowfall.
"Yeah, okay. Maybe that's a good idea," Craig agreed, not meeting either boy in the eye.
Had he been so wrong?
Was this all really just a big misunderstanding?
Of course I was wrong. I blew it all out of proportion.
Still, why would Tweek lie to me?
A hollowness worked it's way into Craig's uncertain heart.
His boyfriend had been so different lately.
One minute craving his attention, the next tiptoeing around him.
Maybe I should have kept a closer eye on him?
I thought I'd been there for him but-
Maybe I didn't listen enough?
Have I been a bad boyfriend?
Is that why he went to Kenny?
Why wouldn't he talk to me?
Why is he sneaking around like there's some big secret?
Craig shook away the thoughts storming his brain.
They were too upsetting; too confusing.
I guess I'm about to find out. I have to be calm or I'll scare Tweek away...again.
He went to offer a hand to pull Tweek up from the snow but quickly recoiled.
He'd hurt Tweek.
I hit him!
He might not even trust me anymore!
Craig suddenly felt the warmth of a hand clutching his own and he looked up to see a snow-covered Tweek staring at him, his forest eyes sparkling with forgiveness.
"I'm not made of glass you know," Tweek murmered softly, a small half smile creeping up his face.
This made Craig's heart melt and all his doubts and frustrations floated away with the breeze.
Although his guilt now weighed more heavily on him.
How could I ever think he would betray me?
I am a horrible boyfriend.
Yet Tweek still loves me anyway.
I can see it in his eyes.

"Uh, guys? This is real sweet and all but it's getting dark and the temperature is lowering and we are all battered up. So how's about we go to my place for tea?" Kenny offered.
"I'd offer coffee," he added, "but we are fresh out. Sorry, Tweek."
Tweek nodded in agreeance.
Kenny frowned, noticing the boy trembling terribly.
He turned to Craig who seemed to hesitate.
"Look, it's not my favourite place either but it's the closet and he needs to get out of the snow," Kenny reasoned.
This seemed to convince Craig and he helped his boyfriend off of the ground.

Poor Tweek. I would have helped him up myself if it werent for Craig being so touchy about everything, Kenny thought, ruefully.
"Ready?" He asked, focusing rather on their current situation.
The boy in blue nodded curtly, Tweek huddling beside him.
"Alright then. Follow me."

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