Rest And Relaxation

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Tweek had spent the night in hospital and most of the next day, being treated for both his wounds and shock.
He hadn't slept at all, aside from both times he had lost consciousness the day before.
Even if he had wanted to sleep, the lights were kept on during the night and they were far to distracting.
Craig hadn't left his side all the while and anyone who instructed him to do otherwise had recieved the honour of meeting the boy's middle finger.
Tweek felt grateful for his boyfriend's supportive presence.
Craig seemed really shaken by the incident.
As much as this made him feel somewhat guilty, it also helped Tweek see that he was loved.

Tweek's parents had come to visit as often as they could. They had both been stricken with worry.
No-one else had been allowed to see the bed-bound boy as the doctor stated that he needed to focus all his energy on recovering.
Tweek's body was bruised and scraped.
He had a nasty bump to the head and a twisted wrist but other than that, he was physically well.
The doctor seemed to be more concerned about his mental state.
Tweek resented this.
He hated being treated like a crazy person but he knew it was probably for the best that he accepted help when it was offered to him.
A psychologist had spoken to Tweek after Craig had mentioned the events of the previous few nights.
She suggested that Tweek may have been hallucinating due to lack of sleep.
The blond wondered if she was right. Yet everything he had seen and heard had seemed so real.
It couldn't have been his mind playing tricks on him...could it?
Then again, she was the expert and it wouldn't be the first time Tweek had overreacted to a situation.

No-one had spoken about Kenny since the day before and Tweek thought that was rather strange but he guessed that everyone had decided it was too sore of a subject to bring up around him, in fear of setting off yet another panic attack.
He didn't dare tell anyone about seeing Kenny's ghost.
Tweek was certain that doing so would have him sent to a mental asylum.

"Lunch time," called a cheery lunch lady, wheeling a squeaky food cart into the room.
The noise woke Craig, who had been dozing in the visitor's chair beside Tweek's bed.
"Urgh. I fell asleep?" The dark haired boy moaned.
The lady handed Tweek his lunch tray and moved along to the other patients.
Tweek thanked her and turned to Craig with a smile. "You were so peaceful."
His boyfriend flashed an embarrassed smirk.
"You shouldn't have let me fall asleep," he grumbled.
"You need your sleep," Tweek explained. "Besides, you look cute when you're asleep."
Craig's face grew red.
Snickering, the blond decided to change the subject on the raven haired boy's behalf.
"You should go home. Get some lunch and then some rest. I'll be okay."
Craig shook his head, "No, I'll stay."
His stomach growled In protest.
"Go on. You don't want hospital food and you look exhausted. The nurse said I'll be out of here soon anyway," Tweek insisted.
Craig frowned, pondering over the idea.
Finally, the boy made up his mind. "Okay, fine. Call me as soon as they let you out."

Tweek was discharged two hours later.
Though he had a hard time keeping his mind off of Kenny, he did his best not to show it.
Tweek hated the hospital and was relieved to be free from it.
Now he sat on his bed, phone in hand, ready to call Craig.
His mother had been fussing over him since he'd arrived home and finally, Tweek had a moment to himself.
The slender boy dialed his boyfriend's number and was greeted by Craig's voicemail.
He's still asleep, Tweek thought with a chuckle.
What now?
It was then, that Tweek realised he could not bare to be alone with his thoughts and if he could not talk to Craig, he would have to distract himself some other way.
Studying? No way! I couldn't stay focused.
I could read a book? No, that wouldn't be any different.
I guess I could talk to my parents? What am I thinking? They'd only want to talk about the accident.
The accident...
Tweek raised his hands to his head and balled his fists around clumps of wild blond hair. He tugged at them as his thoughts began spiraling like a disasterous tornado.
Oh god. I'm so sorry, Kenny. How could I have been so foolish? What's wrong with me? It should have-
The boy closed his eyes took a breath.
No. Stop. Calm down.
I can't think like that.
I have to stop thinking or I'll drive myself mad! If I'm not already.
He had to clear his whirling mind.
What can I do? How can I distract my thoughts?
Stupid brain! Be normal for once.
Tweek furrowed his eyebrows as he wracked his brain for ideas.
Then it hit him.
Oh, I know what to do!
I'll draw and I'll listen to music.
Yeah, that should work.

Tweek sat at his desk and drew until dusk fell upon the town.
The dying sun blazed brilliant orange and sent dazzling rays shooting through his open window.
Orange soon turned to pink, then pink to purple and then to dark blue.
It was at this time the first stars were revealed.
Bird song ceased and night began to fall.
The twitchy boy dropped his pencil on top of a messy sketch, which had been rubbed out and relined more times than one could count.
He watched the sky change colour until it was a black abyss twinkling with billions of stars.
Tweek had successfully distracted himself, by attempting to draw a portrait of his boyfriend, and felt calmer than he had hours before.
"Tweek! Tea time!" His mother called from down stairs, snapping the blond from his trance.

Once he had finished eating his dinner, Tweek showered, brushed his teeth and changed into clean pyjamas.
By now, Craig had texted him back and they'd been messaging back and forth for a while.
Tweek closed his window and tapped his moon lamp on, before settling into bed and sending Craig a goodnight text.
The doctors had prescribed him with antipsychotics to control his hallucinations and aid his sleep.
Tweek popped a pill into his mouth and brought a glass of water to his lips.
He hoped the pill took effect soon, the boy desperately needed a good night's sleep.

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