Terrors In The Night

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Tweek finished his shift at the coffee shop.
The sun was beggining to set and like usual, Craig was outside, waiting to walk him home.
Tweek grabbed Craig's gloved hand and stretched on his toes to plant a kiss on the boy's lips, just as he had promised.
The small mountain town had been wrapped in heavy, chill winds and Craig's pale pink lips felt cold against his own.
Slowly, he pulled away from the embrace.
"C'mon, let's get out of this cold," Tweek uttered, staring lovingly into his boyfriend's eyes.
Tweek found those eyes so mystical. It was if their deep blue depths held all the weight of the ocean, or perhaps even entire galaxies.
They seemed to conceal all the mysteries of the universe. There was something about them that drew Tweek to want to uncover all those secrets.
Whenever Tweek looked into Craig's eyes, he felt safe and at home.

Tweek felt more at home lost in Craig's eyes than he did in his literal home.
He realised this as he sat alone in his bedroom that night, a coffee in one hand and a pen in the other.
Tweek had recently finished a roast dinner which now sat comfortably in his stomach.
The boy unenthusiastically scribbled drawings into a sketchbook.
Sometimes it relaxed him to draw, other times he found his hands shook too much to keep pencil to paper.
When Tweek did draw, he especially like drawing two things; animals and Craig.
Right now, Tweek felt too bored to seriously draw anything. Instead, he drew sloppy cartoon versions of people he knew from school.

Tweek jumped in his chair when his phone buzzed with a text message.
He out down his coffee to read it.

Craig 💙:
Go to bed. It's late.
Tweek frowned and typed up a reply.
Replying to Craig 💙:
How did you know I was still up?
The phone buzzed again.
Craig 💙:
Call it a lucky guess.
Replying to Craig 💙:
Fine. I'll /try/ to sleep.
Craig 💙:
Goodnight honey x
Replying to Craig 💙:
Night Craig xx

Tweek plugged his phone into the charger beside his bedside table and crawled into his cosy bed.

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.
Tweek's eyes flickered open and he grumbled in annoyance.
The insomniac had finally indulged in some sleep and now he'd awoken once more.
Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.
Ugh, rats.
The boy started, leaping into upright position.
Through the gloom of the bedroom, Tweek spotted his closet door opening slowly.
From it, slunk an inky shadow.
It was darker than the darkness engulfing the room and formed a tall human-like figure.
Tweek gasped, shuddering in fear as he felt his heartbeat increase in speed.
The blond held his blankets up to his face so that only his eyes poked out.
The shadow moved toward him.
It's long lanky arms were unhuman, with long, sharp claws which scraped along the floor.
The entity slowly cocked its head to the side, the nonexistent bones in its neck cracking and popping as it did so.
"Argh!" Tweek yelped, his eyes widening in horror.
The creature groaned and crawled closer to the bed.
Tweek shot his arm out from under the covers as fast as lightning and reached for his desk lamp.
With a flick, light drenched the room. In the same moment the light cast away the darkness, the shadow creature was gone.

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