The Bus

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The bus ride was bumpy, which wasn't unusual, concidering the manic bus driver and the bountiful potholes caved into the road.
As usual, Tweek sat beside Craig.
Tweek had 'called dibs' on the window seat, much to Craig's displeasure.
Although most students in Tweek's grade could drive, many of them still found it easier to take the bus.
"I feel a little woozy," complained a lispy voice somewhere in front of them.
"Hang in there, buddy," replied another, which Tweek, guess was Butters.
Tricia took up the two seats behind Tweek and Craig.
Her backpack rested on the isle seat, preventing anyone from sitting beside her.
Arms folded, the girl leant up against the back of the boys' seats, and poked her head through the middle of the two.
Between chewing bubblegum, she chattered away, like a sparrow, first droning on about how much school sucked and then steering the conversation toward how cute she thought Tweek and Craig were together.
Even after years of this kind of talk, she still managed to embarrass the gay couple.
"So," Tricia smirked, "it seems you two shared a bed last night. Try not to wake me up with all the noise next time, okay?"
She giggled menacingly, while her brother simply rolled his eyes.
"You're no fun," Tricia frowned when she didn't get a response. "What's wrong with you two today?"
Tweek, half asleep and daydreaming, only just began listening.
"Huh?" He yawned, still looking out the window at the snow-coverd town rolling by.
Craig shook his head.
"Just shut up," he sighed, exasperated.
Both syblings then exchanged the traditional family gesture of holding a middle finger in the air and directing it at each other.
"Tweek just wanted to get away from home and stay the night. Don't make a scene on the bus, idiot," Craig said flatly.
Tricia ignored the insult, curiosity getting the better of her.
"So, Tweek, why did you come over so late and during the storm? Is everything okay with you?" The girl queried, her eyes softening with concern.
Tweek began to fidget uncomfortably.
"And why are you wearing my brother's clothes?" The young teenager pressed.
"Uhm. I just-" the boy trailed off, lost for words.
He couldn't come up with a suitable lie to explain his odd behavior and Tricia certainly wouldn't believe the truth.
Tweek felt his face begin to heat up.
What can I say? If I tell her I had a nightmare she might not believe me and besides, everyone on the bus will laugh at me.
What if they're already listening, waiting for me to trip up and say something dumb?
A familiar voice then cut in, saving Tweek.
"C'mon Trish, isn't it obvious? Tweek was obviously lusting over Craig. I'm sure he just couldn't stay away any longer and needed a night with his boyfriend," the boy quipped, adding a wink for good measure.
Perhaps Kenny hadn't saved Tweek after all.
Tricia snorted in barely suppressed laughter and Tweek flushed with embarrassment.                 "K-Kenny! What the-?" Tweek stammered frantically, halting as Kenny butt in.
"Relax," the nonchalant boy chuckled, "I'm just messing with you. Well, mostly. Whatever the case, I'm sure you had your reasons and none of us need to start making assumptions."
Craig looked as though he were about to spit a stinging rebuke but clearly thought better of it.
"Right." He agreed in a stony but calm voice. "So how about we drop the subject? You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill and besides, it's not uncommon for partners to wear each other's clothes. Get over it."
The bus roared back to life and began to roll off again.
The vehicle jolted forward suddenly as it did so and it took all Kenny's effort not to fall as he too lurched forward.
The boy swung rather clumsily into the seat in front of Tweek.
Opposite him, a perplexed looking Cartman folded his arms indignantly.
The boy muttered something inaudible to Kyle, who sat beside Stan, in the seats just ahead of him, before dumping his back-pack onto the empty seat beside him.
Tricia did the exact opposite and moved her own bag to let Karen sit down beside her.                The girls then began chatting gleefully.
Once seated comfortably, Kenny turned to exchange a subtle but knowing look with Tweek.
"How about you and me hang out at lunch or something?" The boy suggested, his tone hushed.
Although he spoke casually, there was something urgent in Kenny's tone and even more so in his startling blue eyes.
"O-okay," Tweek stammered, shrugging and fiddling with the buttons on his shirt.

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