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Tweek awoke.
Bright light reflected off of white walls and stung his eyes. For a moment, his surroundings were blurry and all sound was muffled, as if he were underwater.
The hospital room swayed around him.
The boy screwed his eyes shut once more, before gingerly opening them again.
A yawn overcame Tweek and the bubbles popped in his ears. His vision then cleared, adjusting to the intense white light.
I'm in the hospital?
A worm of worry gnawed its way around Tweek's stomach.
Turning to his left, the blond noticed someone sitting beside his bed.
Relief swamped him as he recognised the all too familiar face.
Everything was okay.
Craig was here.

The moment Tweek repositioned himself to get a better view of his visitor, Craig's head snapped up to look at him.
Tweek could see the relief swimming in his sapphire orbs.
"Tweek," The boy exclaimed, "you're awake!"
The blond smiled weakly, suddenly realising how pained and exhausted he was.
"Thank God you're alright. I heard the accident and when I ran out to see you lying in the middle of the road I-" Craig swallowed, voice cracking and tears welling in his eyes.
The boy cleared his throat before continuing, "I thought I'd lost you."
Tweek had never seen Craig so distraught and the tremour in his voice caused Tweek's heart to break.
It was rare for his boyfriend to show emotion.
"It's okay Craig. I'm okay." He attempted to console, not wanting to be the cause of the boy's worry.

Then it hit him.
"Wait. Accident?" The blond echoed in confusion. "What-"
In an instant, it all came flooding back to him.
Just like a break in a damn, Tweek remembered the car accident.
He recalled Kenny's sacrifice and the way his lifeless blue eyes had stared up at him, empty and clouded.
Tweek began trembling once more.
His head jerked and his eyes twitched as panic overwhelmed him once more.
The horrible image of Kenny's dead body would be forever stained in his mind.
It was all my fault.
If only I had of been looking where I was going none of this would have happened.
Why couldn't Kenny have just let the car hit me?

"Tweek! Calm down. It's okay. I'll call the nurse. Please calm down," Craig fretted, gingerly wrapping his arms around the blond, as to comfort but not hurt or restrict him.
Tweek tried to slow his breathing but his efforts were to no avail.
His vision returned to blur as a nurse rushed into the room. Her voice seemed far away. Too far away to make out.
There was a painful ringing in his ears as his world was enveloped in darkness once more.

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