Out Of My Mind

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"Oh, God no! Please be okay," wailed Tweek as he got to his feet and ran over to the boy in orange.
As Tweek got close, he noticed how still the boy was.
A sickening feeling of dread crept up upon him.
Kenny lie completely motionless, with no rise and fall of his chest, that would indicate breathing.
Tweek bent down and with a trembling hand, wiped aside the sandy blond hair that was covering the boy's bloodied face.
Kenny's lifeless, sky blue eyes seemed to bore into his own leaf green eyes.
Tweek shuddered in disbelief.
He can't be ....dead.

All of the sudden, Tweek couldn't breathe. There was a sensation in his throat that made it seem as if his airways were closing up.
He gasped for air but only panicked more when he couldn't seem to draw in enough air.
His gasping became shrill, rapid and uneven.
Tweek felt like a panting dog.
The boy felt tingles all over his body and when he looked down, he was shaking from head to toe.
He felt warm tears stream down his cheeks like waterfalls cascading from a cliffface.
He died for me! Why would he do that?
Tweek had had many panic attacks before, but never under such circumstances. All the same, each episode was terrifying. Yet this time, the panic attack was far more intense than ever before.
The boy could not control himself. His mind had completely shut down and did not know how to respond to the horrific situation. His brain was sending adrenaline coursing though his body in order to either fight or flee from danger.
However, Tweek knew there was no danger present for him to run from, nor for him to confront. Only, the gruesome image of his dead classmate.

In his state, Tweek didnt notice the people gathering around the accident site until he felt terribly closed in.
He heard screaming and distraught wails. "Oh my God! Kenny! That bitch killed him!"
He felt a hand on his shoulder but couldn't make out the voice in his ear.
The situation became too much for him.
So much noise, so much light, so much disaster and so many people.
Tweek ran from the scene but his trembling legs wouldn't take him far and he collapsed, heavy for air, on the side of the road.
His whole body shuddering, the blond gazed helplessly at the people gathered around the deceased Kenny.
At that moment, something caught his eye.
A transparent figure rose from Kenny's body.
The figure looked oddly familiar and though it was no longer bright orange, Tweek instantly recognised the hooded parka the figure was wearing.
Tweek almost didn't believe his eyes.
Is this real? Oh, God! Why isnt anyone else seeing this?
When he blinked, clearing his teary vision, Kenny's ghost had disappeared.
I must be out of my mind!
In the same moment the panicked boy realised he had been holding his breath, a dizzying wave of darkness overcame him.
Tweek didn't feel his head hit the concrete, nor did he hear Craig shrieking his name.
He only knew darkness.

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