Plan Of Action

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"Come on, let's get you patched up," Kenny insisted, walking Tweek to the bathroom.
"Craig," he added, "you can sit on my bed."
"Wait! What are you doing? I'll come too," Craig protested.
Kenny rolled his eyes.
"Dude chill, the bathroom door doesnt even have a lock on it. What do you think I'm going to do? You need to trust me okay? Then we can talk about this. Unless you want me to tend to your wounds too?"
Craig just grunted and turned toward Kenny's bedroom.
"Fine, whatever and also no."

Tweek pulled away as Kenny pressed a wad of cotton onto the scrape on his cheek.
"Ow," he protested, "it stings!"
"Sorry," Kenny muttered, not looking up from what he was doing, "but its for your own good. You dont want to risk that getting infected."
Tweek shook his head. "Its nothing. It hardly broke the skin. I'm not a baby you know? Everyone treats me like I'm so fragile!"
Tweek pouted, crossing his arms.
The other boy chuckled. "I know you aren't fragile. Ive seen you fight. You can take as much as you give. But ya gotta trust me when I say that an infection is no laughing matter. I've died from one!"
"Oh," Tweek breathed, "Guess you're used to patching yourself up, huh?"
Kenny nodded.
"Yeah. I always wake up injury free when I die but I'm still pretty unlucky and get hurt a lot," he explained.
"I don't know, being immortal sounds pretty lucky to me," Tweek disagreed, pondering the thought.
"Huff, yeah maybe if you enjoy being stabbed, decapitated, torn apart, burned alive or run over, practically a daily basis," Kenny spat, resentment poisoning his tone.
"I guess I didn't think about it that way," Tweek frowned.
"Yeah, dying fucking hurts."
"I don't doubt that," Tweek said quietly.
"You want to know the worst part?" Kenny added, finally looking Tweek in the eyes.
"The worst part is that no body ever remembers me dying. I go to to school the next day and everyone's all, 'Oh hey, Kenny,' like nothing even happened. Like they didn't see me get decapitated with their own eyes."
A bitter scowl darkened the boy's face and he focused back to Tweek's wounds.
"I remembered. You saved my life. I'll never forget that," Tweek stated solemnly.

Kenny glanced back up at the boy, who's face was less than an inch away from his, with round eyes.
His face brightened once more.
"Yeah, you did," he smiled.
Kenny's gaze quickly shifted again and the boy placed a bandaid on Tweek's cheek.
He cleared his throat, feeling hot with embarrassment.
Kenny had been staring.
"There you go. All done," the boy in orange concluded, stepping away from his companion.
"Thanks," Tweek uttered appreciatively. "What about you?"
"What about me?" Kenny frowned.
"You're all battered up too. Do you need help patching yourself up?" Tweek explained.
"Pfft. Nah. I've felt worse. I don't need to worry about it," Kenny shrugged.
"But still, you're hurt," Tweek argued.
"Who cares about me? I'll come back from it. You of all people should know that."
Tweek frowned at Kenny's remark.
"Well, I care. Just because you'll live doesn't mean you have to hurt."
"Thanks Tweek but I'm fine," Kenny smiled.
"Whatever you say. I can't make you take care of yourself but I can still keep an eye on you. Craig too. Don't think he's getting away without me seeing to his wounds. I still suggest you see to yours," Tweek stated.
The boy turned to open the door but Kenny stopped him.
"Wait. Patching your wounds wasnt the only reason I wanted to get you alone."
Tweek's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed red.
"Uh- Wha-?"
Realising what he had just said, Kenny snorted.
"I didn't mean it like that!" He giggled. "C'mon, surely you know me better than that?"
Tweek chuckled uncomfortably, turning an even darker shade of red.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
"What I mean is;" Kenny continued, "what are we going to tell Craig?"
Tweek looked confused.
"The truth?"
Kenny frowned. "I don't think he's going to believe the truth."
"Well, it's different now. I have you to back me up. We can tell him about you and how you died and then tell him about my thing-" Tweek trailed off, noticing Kenny's doubtful stare.
"Tweek, you are the only one who has ever remembered my death. There's something special about you. You're unique and we have to find out why or how it came to be that you can now see spirits. Craig is a very logical person and no matter what we say, he won't believe us. He will just accuse me of being high and you of being paranoid. You understand that don't you?" Kenny pushed.
Tweek's gaze fell to the ground and Kenny continued.
"If you tell Craig what's going on, he will only try to convince you that what you're seeing isnt real. I know this is real. I know you're not crazy. So you have to trust me, okay? I think this whole thing happened for a reason and if we work together, I think we might find out why and solve your ghost problem."
Tweek looked thoughtful for a moment and then sighed.
"You're right", he muttered. "What are we going to do?
"The only thing we can do; make something up, fast."

"I can't lie to my boyfriend! Not again," Tweek protested.
"Keep your voice down!" Kenny hissed.
"Tweek. Just think for a second. What other choice to we have?" Kenny reasoned.
Tweek opened his mouth to argue but couldn't think up a worthy argument.
"Here's the plan; " his friend brainstormed, "Step one: cover the truth with a little white lie. Step two: ... I'm still thinking that one over. Step three: Success. Just like the gnomes taught us."
Tweek felt his jaw drop.
"You remember the underpants gnomes?" He gasped.
"Eh, I always assumed I might've hallucinated the whole thing. Either that or it was some wild shared dream, but after everything that's happened over the last couple of days, I'd believe in just about anything," shrugged the penniless boy.
"Craig made me believe I'd made them up; that they were a figment of my imagination," Tweek murmered softly.
"Who knows, Tweekers? Who knows So, what do ya say? You in?"
"I still hate lying to him," mumbled the coffee addict.
"If you've any other bright ideas I would love to hear them," Kenny insisted.
Tweek slumped his shoulders.
Once again, Kenny was right.
They couldn't tell the truth, so the only other answer was to lie.
Lying to Craig. What an awful partner I am!
"Well then, what are we going to tell him?" Tweek sighed, defeated.

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