Emotions Make Us Human

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"You're just like everyone else," Tweek whispered, his voice cracking in sorrow.
Craig sighed, exasperated. "Tweek, I think you should revisit your doctor. You're clearly not doing well. I'm sorry you're afraid but there's no reason to be. What you think you're seeing, isn't real. It can't hurt you."
"You sound just like my Dad," the blond muttered bitterly.
He noticed Craig wince, as if he had been stung, but before the other boy could reply, Tweek spoke again.
"I need to go." Tweek said this curtly, refusing to meet Craig's eyes as his own welled with tears.
At that, the boy turned and rushed away, leaving his boyfriend alone and baffled.
"Tweek, wait!..."

Once out of sight, Tweek could not help a sob from escaping past his trembling lip.
He snuck out the back gate and crouched against it, hidden from sight by a large holly bush.
He lay his head in his hands.
He thinks I'm crazy.
"Why can't you just be normal?" The crestfallen boy spat venomously towards himself.
"Urgh. This is all too much pressure!"
Tweek didn't notice the footsteps approaching until someone spoke in a low, pitying voice.
"Tisk, tisk. Another tortured soul."
Tweek looked up to see a boy in black flick a cigarette onto the pavement and squash it under his shoe.
Tweek knew this boy, Michael, had been in the grade above him but he had never really spoken to him or his group of friends, who lingered nearby.
Tweek knew this group as 'the goth kids.'
They were frequent customers at Tweak Bros.
A plump girl, with hair as black as her clothes, marched to Michael's side.
"Tweek, right? What are you doing back here; away from all your conformist friends?" Queiried Henrietta, in her usual dry, pessimistic tone.
Tweek wiped his eyes in one swift motion.
"Nothing, just chilling" he lied.
"You're safe here. No conformists to judge you," the goth girl assured him. "You're emotions are valid. They are what make us human in a society full of mindless robots. Robots who live only to work and serve under a corrupt government. Like sheep they act accordingly and believe only what they are told to, until they are lead to their slaughter. Pathetic." She spat the last word before taking a drag of her long, wooden pipe.
"You don't look goth, but like us, you are different from everyone else. I've seen the way you drink coffee like your life depends on it. Your parents work you to the bone. You think outside the spectrum of social norms and believe in things others do not. I can see you are pained. Perhaps, you are one of us?" She observed.
Tweek shrunk a little. It was almost frightening how perceptive this girl was.
Although, Tweek did not see himself as a goth.
"I-I -er- look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to invade your hangout. I'll leave you guys alone," he apologised.
"Stay or go. It's your choice," Michael shrugged.
"Thanks anyway, but I-I don't want to be late for class," the blond insisted, getting to his feet. "I'm sure I'll see you guys around."
"Go then. Run back to your conformist friends and pretend you fit in," a boy with a splash of red in his black hair called bitterly after Tweek, as he left the Goths to their smoking and depressing music.
Just as he rounded the corner, back onto the school grounds, the bell sounded for third period.

Craig was a science nerd and
Tweek liked learning about plants and animals.
Therefore, he and Craig had biology together.
Tweek looked away when his boyfriend sat on the stool next to him.
Craig frowned. "Hey. Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I never meant to hurt your feelings but we're going to get you some help, okay?"
Tweek felt his eyes begin to sting but said nothing.
His partner continued. "In the meantime, if this is really troubling you, how about I spend the night at your place? Will that make you feel better?"
The blond looked back at Craig and nodded gingerly.
He looked like a toddler who'd just been scolded by his parents.
This made Craig smile.
"I love you, Tweek. You know that right?"
The blond nodded again.
"Quiet class!"
Tweek was silenced by his teacher beginning the lesson.

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