Creep Over

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"No coffee before bed. Only hot chocolate," Craig demanded as he watched his boyfriend make his way over to the coffee machine.
Tweek rolled his eyes.
"I'd like to say you sound like my parents, but they practically force coffee down my throat no matter what time of day," Tweek said with a bitter chuckle.
Craig frowned deeply at that.
If he didn't know the boy as well as he did, he may have missed the slight edge that laced his tone.
Tweek's parents may love their son but they held little regard for his health.
It was obvious that the coffee addict held some form of resentment towards the way his parents treated him, especially his father.
One day I'll get us out of here, Craig vowed silently.
"Two hot chocolates coming right up! Extra whipped cream and marshmallows. Just how you like it," the blond then smiled cheerily, apparently forgetting his resentments.
"Don't forget the chocolate flakes!" Craig called back.

The two were soon cuddled together on the sofa, enjoying their hot beverages and laughing as they watched a funny movie together.
It seemed Tweek had forgotten all his troubles and Craig felt proud to have such a positive effect on his twitchy boyfriend.
"Thanks for coming, Craig" Tweek murdered, his cheek pressed up against his boyfriend's chest.

Craig switched off the television. "Let's get to bed," he coaxed the boy who was half asleep on his shoulder.
Within in instant he noticed panic flare in Tweek's brilliant green eyes.
"Its okay. Nothings going to hurt you. You'll see," Craig reassured his timid boyfriend.
With obvious reluctance, Tweek followed Craig up to the bedroom.
Once the boys had readied themselves for bed, Craig switched off the lights.
From the darkness, he heard a whimper from Tweek, who was perched on his bed.
"Relax and lie down. I'll be with you in a second," Craig assured his partner.
Covers rustled as Tweek did as he was told.
"What are you doing?" asked the blond, in a small voice.
Craig smiled, though Tweek couldn't see it.
"I've brought something for you," he replied, rummaging through his backpack, using the light from his smart phone as a torch.
He plucked out first a sphere and then a stand and a usb cord.
Carefully, Carig placed the object on its stand, on top of Tweek's bedside table.
As he did so, he used his body to shield what he was doing from his boyfriend's view. Craig wanted this to be a surprise.
"Tada! There isn't that better?" Craig beamed proudly as the sphere drenched the room in a soft white glow.
Tweek's eyes rounded with awe.
"What is it?" He breathed, fascination sparking in his gaze.
"Its a moon lamp!" Craig explained, enthusiastically. "Its a portable lamp made to look like the moon. I bought it for myself but decided you should have it. Now you won't have to be afraid of the dark because you have your very own moon to light your path."
Tweek's face glowed and Craig couldn't tell if it was due to his appreciation or the warm light radiating from the lamp.
Perhaps a bit of both.
Either way, it made his heart melt. The blond's facial features looked so soft in the gloom.
"Thank you, Craig. It's beautiful," Tweek whispered gratefully, staring into Craig's eyes with wide, glittering emerald eyes.
In this moment, Craig believed Tweek's eyes outshone the moon itself. The seemed to glow brighter than not only the small moon on his table, but even the full moon hanging in the night sky far above them.

The boy's slept peacefully beside one another for most of the night.
That was until Tweek's bedroom
window wipped open, letting in a chill breeze.
Craig stirred as Tweek jumped at the sudden change in temperature.
He now wondered if the blond had been asleep at all.
"Tweek? You forgot to lock your window." He grumbled, pulling the blankets over his head.
"N-no, I didn't," Tweek whispered a shaking reply.
It was then that Craig his boyfriend's breathing grow rapidly heavier.
Concerned, the boy began to turn towards Tweek's side of the bed.
"Hey, whats-?" He was cut off by a bloodcurdling shriek.
The brunet flew from beneath the covers, panic gripping his chest like icy talons.
"Tweek?" He exclaimed, tensing his muscles instictivley.
The blond didn't answer and instead raced out of the room, throwing high pitched curses over his shoulder.
What on Earth?
Craig looked around the room and saw nothing unusual.
He headed for the door, feeling a mixture of confusion and worry.
What had gotten into Tweek?
Before he made it to the door, the lamp flickered, triggering Craig's curiosity.
I thought I charged that thing? He thought as he turned around to investigate.
After a few taps, the lamp grew still once more and the boy shrugged.
Turning back towards the door, Craig jumped in alarm.
He could have sworn he had seen the shadow of someone standing in the doorway, but before his brain had time to process the figure, it had vanished.
Damn it, Tweek. You're making me paranoid.
Shaking his head to clear his mind, Craig set off to find his boyfriend.

"Tweek, honey, calm down. Ghosts aren't real. There is nothing in your room. A tree branch probably swayed past your window, causing the shadow you saw."
"No!" The blond protested. "I told you, Craig, i-it's gonna get me!"
Craig sighed. "What do I have to do to make you listen to me? You're being irrational."
Tweek growled in response. "You always say that! Why won't you listen to me, for once? I'm n-not crazy!"
"Noone's saying your crazy," Craig argued. "You're just not being logical."
"Urrgh! What's with you and needing to be so logical? Not everything can be explained with logic!" Tweek retorted, becoming increasingly frustrated.
"Actually, there is a scientific explanation for everything. You should know this. We do biology together," Craig reasoned pointedly.
"Gah! Why can't you trust that I know what I'm seeing? I know the difference between a tree and a monster!" Tweek fired back, pulling manically at his spiked hair.
Craig out yet another exasperated sigh, beginning to lose his own temper.
He grabbed his boyfriend's trembling shoulders and looked him in the eyes.
"Monsters. Are. Not. Real."
He dropped each word like a led balloon, hoping they would sink in.
Tweek pulled away from his grasp and stared at his fidgetting feet.

The creaking of a door made both boy's whip their heads around and peer past the kitchen and into the ill-lit hallway.
"Is everything alright?" Tweek's mother called out groggily from the master bedroom.
"Everything's fine. Just a nightmare. Sorry to wake you," Craig answered quickly, slumping his shoulders.
"Okay. Goodnight boys." The door closed once more.
"Come back to bed," Craig insisted, turning back to his boyfriend.
"I'm not going back in there," Tweek whimpered, his eyes burning with defiance.
"Fine. It will be morning soon anyway. We can crash on the couch," Craig grumbled dismissively.
Tweek didn't argue any further.

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