Train Tracks

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During Winter the sun set early upon the small mountain town.
Tweek had finished up at work a little early and now rode his bike towards the train tracks near the old SoDoSoPa where Kenny lived.
The air was frosty, with a touch of snow and burned Tweek's lungs with each breath he inhaled.
The twilight sky was stained a deep purple and glittered with the first stars.
Stars always reminded the blond barista of his boyfriend.
Since meeting Craig, Tweek had found a new appreciation for the night sky.
...was acting really strange today.
Tweek hadn't seen much of his boyfriend that afternoon and at first had been worried when his boyfriend seemed to be going out of his way to avoid him but later decided that if Craig refused to tell him why he was so moody, then Tweek wouldn't bother trying to drag an explanation from him.
If Craig really wanted to talk to him, then he would and Tweek was more than willing to wait for this opportunity.
Afterall, it was not unlike Craig to get into moods, nor to keep his feelings to himself.

"So you didn't stand me up after all," called a voice as Tweek arrived at his destination.
Tweek jumped at the sudden sound.
He squinted against the light snowfall as he peered around the tracks, looking for the person whom the voice belonged to.
A boy wearing an orange parka stepped out from the shadows of a rusty, old, broken down car.
Tweek breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oh, Kenny! Don't scare me like that; I thought you were a murderer!"
With a shake of his head, Kenny chuckled.
"Aw, Tweekers, don't be so paranoid. This place isn't that bad."
Tweek laughed nervously and shuffled his feet in the snow.
It crunched beneath his feet.
"C'mon, let's get out of this snow," Kenny suggested. "Follow me."
"Okay," Tweek agreed, running a hand through his spiky, blond, snow-tipped hair.
"Make sure its somewhere private," he added.
Kenny nodded and turned away, trudging through the snow.
Tweek began to follow his friend.
Suddenly, footsteps stomped in the snow behind the two boys.
Tweek turned, shelidling his eyes from the snowfall with a hand.
"Tweek!" Shouted a familiar voice.
Shock sparked through Tweek like lightning.
"C-Craig!" He stammered.

"What do you two think you're doing?" Demanded Craig, his jaw taught with fury and his hands balled into fists.
"I- uh- we- um-"
Lost for words, Tweek began to panic.
Hes going to think I'm insane. He won't love me anymore if he think's I'm insane!
Kenny strolled calmly over.
"Oh, uh- hey Craig. What are you doing in this neck of the woods?"
Craig's eyes blazed blue fire.
"Cut the crap McCormick. I followed you here. I don't know what you two are up to but I want to know, right now."
"Oh, so we are on a last name basis are we now Tucker? I thought we were friends."
"Yeah, so did I. That is until I found out you were making plans to meet up with my boyfriend in secret."
"Wait you were spying on us?" Tweek chipped in, stunned.
"No Tweek, I didnt realise I needed to. Clyde overheard you in the bathroom. I had to see for myself, I thought, maybe hes got it wrong but then again, you were acting strange- well stranger than usual. Turns out Clyde was telling the truth and you; my boyfriend, lied to me." Craig scowled.
Stranger than usual? That's hurtful.
"Um- but- wait- Its not like that!" Tweek stammered, unable to find his words.
"Why would you lie Tweek? What the fuck are you hiding? Sneaking around with Kenny. Are you...cheating on me? Is that it?" Craig sneered, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"What? No! My God, Craig! How could you say that?" Tweek gasped, gobsmacked and hurt that his boyfriend could think so little of him.
"You know if you marry Kenny you'll be eating nothing but poptarts for the rest of your life. But I guess you like poptarts, right Tweek?"
Oh, so that's what Clyde was going on about. What a prick!
"Woah, okay, uncalled for! You're over overreacting Craig. Quit acting like a dick."
"Look, Craig, this is a total misunderstanding" Tweek assured, his voice stricken with panic.
Craig ignored him and fired a retort straight back at Kenny.
"You're the one acting like a dick! You act like my friend and then go behind my back like this. I can't believe it."
"Urgh, then don't believe it because it's not true!" Kenny growled, exasperated.
"Like I'd believe anything you have to say after I've just caught you sneaking around to find a private place with my boyfriend. You're nothing but a liar!"
"Oh Jesus! Please, stop arguing! I can't take it!" Tweek fretted.
"Would you just shut up and listen Craig?" Kenny pleaded angrily.
"No you listen-"
Tweek watched distraught as the two contunied to argue as if he weren't even there.
They're no better than their parents. Or mine for that matter, the boy thought bitterly.
Kenny cut Craig off mid sentence
"Shut it already! Quit throwing accusations and listen to your boyfriend who is telling you that nothing is going on between us!"
"Please, Craig-" Tweek began.
"Well, then why are you calling Tweek pet names? Not to mention I heard what you said about Tweek standing you up!" Craig countered.
"Pet names?" The boy in orange echoed, bewildered.
"Tweekers or whatever the fuck you called him," Craig spat.
Kenny scoffed. "Its a nickname! You're being ridiculous! Honey is a pet name and the standing me up thing was obviously a joke."
"Oh, I'm ridiculous, huh, poptarts?"
"You fucking arsehole! What is with you? It's not my fault my family is poor!" Kenny raged, his teeth gritted.
"You're the arsehole!" Craig scowled, giving the boy a shove.
This caught Kenny by surprise and he stumbled backwards but regained his footing before he could fall.
"Gah!" squeaked Tweek.
"That's it, Tucker! You asked for it," Kenny spat, throwing a punch at Craig's cheek.
"Oh no! Don't hurt my Craig!" Tweek yelped.
Craig seemed blindsided for a moment but swung a fist and hit Kenny in the nose with little hesitation.
The boys were at war.

"Gah! Oh man! This is way too much pressure! What am I going to do?" Tweek screeched.
"Please stop! Both of you stop!"  Pleaded the boy.
His attempts however were fruitless and the other boys ignored his crys.
There was only one thing Tweek could do to stop this fight, although his instincts screamed at him to turn and run away instead.
The blond took a step forward, shut his eyes and rushed into the middle of the brawl.
He threw out his arms to shove them away from each other.
"That's ENOUGH!" Tweek roared.
As he did so, Tweek was hit by a stray punch.
Ooofft" he fell to the icy ground with a thud and pain striked the side of his head like a bolt of lightning.
"Tweek!" Both Craig and Kenny shouted in unison.
A dark wave filled with splintering white light overcame Tweek and he groaned.
"Tweek? Are you okay?"
"Easy there Tweekers."
"I-I'm so sorry!"
Voices wailed around him but the dazed boy couldn't tell whom each one belonged to.
Everything sounded muffled and Tweek's world was dizzy and confusing.
Then, as suddenly as it had come on, the dizzying darkness left.
Tweek blinked his eyes open and whimpered as the two boys stared down at him with guilty eyes.

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