Chapter Twenty One: A Wait That Lasted Forever

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I believe five days is as long as I can drag out my walk of shame. Five days since that night, five days since I have spoken to Danny.  I stood staring at our apartment door considering telling him the truth, as I was about to open the door it flew open by the person inside. “YOUR HOME!” Danny shouted lifting me up into a tight hug my body swinging off the ground.

“I missed you so much” he rushed kissing me quickly bringing my bag into the room. “I am curious as to what you’ve been up to and all the fun you guys had, but you’re looking really sexy and I haven’t seen my girl forever” he winked pulling himself onto me inspecting my outfit.

He began kissing my neck but I couldn’t just let myself go I had too much on my mind… too much guilt. Danny’s hand made its way slowly up my shirt and I felt as if I was about to explode. I can’t just blurt out ‘I cheated on you, and not just with anyone. But with my best friend’, I’m such a terrible person.

So I did what I had to do… I pushed my feelings aside as best as I could and did what most loving girlfriends do. Make their partners feel loved, as he carried me to our bedroom.

3 Months later

I guess the good news is I haven’t broken, Danny still doesn’t know and for hopefully forever he never will. It’s all in the past… right? What he doesn’t know won’t kill him; it’s if he finds out it will kill him or Austin.

I had pre planned when Danny was going to be out of the apartment so I’d have time to be alone. “Alright babe I’m leaving I’ll see you this afternoon” his voice echoed through the hallway. Once I heard the slamming of the door I ran to the kitchen counter grabbing my car keys and purse. I raced my way to the store picking up what essential’s I needed. Shoving them into the bag I made my way back to the car hoping I wouldn’t bump into anyone I knew.

I got back throwing my keys onto the table and making my way to the bathroom. I turned on the tap running a hot bath as a stared at my reflection in the mirror.  I looked so drained; dark bags hanging under my eyes a bath will do me good. Sighing to myself I reached to the pot, taking out a hairband tying my hair out of my face.

Emptying the bags contents leaving them spread out on the side I made my way to the tub to stop the running water when Danny barged in. “Ugh sorry I know I’m back early things didn’t end up as planned you running a –“ his words cut off when his eyes found the box placed in front of his eyes. “What is that?” he questioned his tone firm he knew exactly what it was.

“Well, I was going to tell you soon but I uhh… I’m late, and when I say late I mean really late” his worried eyes met mine. He opened the packet noticing I haven’t actually taken the test yet. “We can do it together if you want” his hands cupped my face the pad of his thumb gliding along my cheek. “Thanks but I think I should take it by myself” I spoke almost pleading with him.

He nodded making his way to the door. “Whatever it says we will get through it together as a couple. If it’s negative it’s no big deal we can try in the future if that’s what we want. But if it’s positive know that I love you and respect whatever decision you want to make, we will make it together. Knowing that you’re carrying my baby would bring me nothing but joy” he smiled closing the door behind him.

I pulled my pants down doing what I had to do not exactly the most lady like thing to do, especially as I knew Danny was more than likely standing right by the door. I placed the stick next to the sink setting the timer on the phone. This wait was unbearable every second seemed to drag on. Do I really want a baby I’m barely 20 am I ready yet?

The worst part is Danny is excited for this he wants it to be positive if only he knew.

I feel terrible at the fact it may not even be his there’s a slight possibility it may be Austin’s after all we didn’t sleep together that long ago. What am I going to do if I am pregnant I can’t tell Danny I cheated on him and I may be carrying someone else’s child? The timer went off on my phone my heart felt like it had stopped.

∞Moments Of Clarity∞ (Austin Mahone Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon