Chapter Two: Close For Comfort

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Walking downstairs to the game room where we had set up our own home cinema. "So we going to watch ladies" said Alex. "No chick flicks there so shit Cara" groaned Austin flipping through the DVDs laughing it off. "Fine, I’m going to get some snacks pick something and Austin I'm not watching Batman again!" I demanded.

Waiting for the popcorn to pop a few thoughts came to mind wonder what they’re going to pick to watch? What about earlier that weird moment with Austin...... "Cara what’s taking so long?!" Austin shouted jogging into the kitchen jumping onto the side. "Man don’t do that you scared the crap out of me!" I panicked. "Well least I saved you a trip to the bathroom" he chuckled.

"Ha Ha Ha very funny..." I said sarcastically. "I know I’m hilarious what can I say!" Austin gloated pulling the top of his shirt away from his shoulders. "Oh and we managed to choose a film by the way it’s all set up for when we go back" turning around Austin spotted some of the snacks for tonight. "PIZZA! COOKIE DOUGH ICE CREAM! Aww honey you really shouldn’t have!" he beamed a smile throwing his arms over me. "Eww Austin get off and don’t talk to me like I’m your wife that is just weird" I moaned.

We both shivered at the thought and laughed at our reaction as we walked out of the kitchen. I sat next to Demi passing her the bowl of popcorn; I could see Austin looking at me in the corner of my eye. Pssst, "PSsst Cara oi, come sit with we me" Austin whispered. I groaned getting back up sitting on the floor next to Austin as Alex started the film. Awesome they had picked a scary film they knew I hated scary stuff. 

Austin burst out laughing "okay I’m sorry I know you don’t like scary stuff but you were upstairs and you know it was a long shot so I went for it" he grinned. "Just this once not that I’m gonna watch it anyway" I grabbed the nearest cushion using it to cover my face. "Hey knuckle head you’re going to ruin the film for you self" Austin teased grabbing me into a head lock pulling me into his side. Struggling to get out of his lock, my hands pushed against Austin’s side feeling the side of his abs  close for comfort. He’s really buffed up recently I thought to myself blushing a little.

"Having a good feel were you" shoot he noticed oh god how embarrassing, I slapped his cheek lightly making him let go. "Don’t grab me like that again okay!" I said firmly but breaking into a laugh at the end. "Well you were the one getting touchy feely, and god where did you learn to hit like that jeez!" Austin moaned rubbing his cheek. 

I pulled his face towards me kissing it better his cheeks automaticly turned a shade of pink. "Better? You’re still a jerk you know" I mumbled. "Ah well it was worth it, coz uh you know you'll like the film I meant pshh what did you think" he stumbled tounge tied.  "Austin can you stop flirting with Cara and shut up so we can watch the film?" Alex said joking, but Austin didn’t find it funny his face fell flat as he slumped down further into the duvet. 

"Hey grumpy smile" I whispered into his ear. He smiled putting his arm around me, okay that was weird he never usually does anything like that. I took advantage and snuggled into his side, my head placed into his chest. At first I felt him tease which led me to think it was a bad idea, but then he looked over smiling cheekily a sparkle in his eyes. He pulled the blanket up higher tucking me in as i giggled. "What’s going on down there" Demi questioned. "Nothing!" Austin and I replied in sync, causing us to burst out laughing burying our faces into the blanket.

I found myself quite surprised by how good the film actually was, when Austin began figgiting he was clearly not thinking the same. "Man this films such garbish wanna watch something else or go upstairs?" he whispered to me. "Shhh Austin I'm trying to watch the film" I replied my eyes glued to the screen putting my hand in his face pushing him back making him sigh heavily, throwing part of the blanket off.

Whoops he is pissed I sighed heavily not realizing I had been holding it in. I saw him look at me in the corner of his eyes checking if I had signed in the same tone as him. "Fine lets go upstairs!" I gave in it never takes me long. . "Yes!" He gloated jumping up holding his belt making sure his pants wouldn't fall down.

"Where you two going the films not even half way yet?" Alex moaned. "Well you know friend dutys AC, Cara don't like the film so  you know thought it would be best not to make her sit through it" He lied, wow what a way to make me look like an idiot Austin cheers for that. We made our way up stairs to the kitchen, well actually I dragged myself I really couldn't be bothered to move.

We approached the kitchen walking onto the cold stone floor. "So Cupcakes or brownies miss or both no wait you haven't really got a choice were making both!" He explained. Okay then I thought pulling myself onto the island table counter.  It was pretty funny as Austin knew his way round the kitchen more than I did so whenever family used to ask where something was there was chef Mahone as the rescue.

"Are you just going to sit there and watch?" He questioned mixing the butter and sugar in a bowl. "Noooo" I said not convinced slidding of the side walking towards him. "I'm also going to do this!" I slipping my hand into the bowl scooping out some of the mixture with my fingers placing it into my mouth, Man I love butter cream. "Your gross" Austin wined. "Oh and your not when you and Alex sit there with your hands down your jeans and then eat food after?" I replied.

"I do not! Alex does not me" Austin stated. Yeah yeah I thought sitting back on the side licking my buttercream fingers. "Oh Cora you have a little mascara there" He pointed out. "Where?" I asked. "Right there" Before I knew it Austin threw a handful on flour into my face. "AUSTIN!" I screamed. The bowl fell to the floor as Austin fell with it crying with laughter. "Oh you should of seen you face wheres a camera when you need one!" He cried as I whiped the dry flour off my face. 

Okay I thought he wants to play dirty? Too can play at that game I walked over to the ingredients picking one up. "Yeah you got me here let me help you up" I held my hand out as Austin stopping laughing and looked up hesitently. As he took a hold of my hand pulling himself up I cracked the egg onto his head watching the yoke split and slowly fall down his face. 

As he slowly stood up whiping the egg from his face I covered my hand over my mouth trying to contain my laughter but did no sucseed as a laugh escaped. "Oh this is funny to you?" he questioned as I shock my head but really was thinking yes Austin this is hilarious! "Well I'm sure your familar with this next move..... I like to call it revenage baby!"

Before I could mover the threw the whol bag of flour over my head, I grabbed the eggs in defense throwing them at him. "What the hell is going on?" Demi  shouted breaking us up as I slipped on egg yoke falling on my bum. "Surprise!" I attempted to shouted with a mouth of flour.

"Your mum is going to kill you" My mum oh god shes going to be back soon! "Alex! Your on wash up duty while I clean these idiots up" Demi joked pushing us out of the kitchen.

∞Moments Of Clarity∞ (Austin Mahone Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora