Chapter Six: A Whole World Ahead Of You

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Michele  who is Austin's mum walked into the living room a huge smile on her face, as she walked towards me arms extended hugging me tight. I remember the first few times I'd met her I had addressed her as Mrs. Mahone when she corrected my every time insisting I called her Michele.

"My baby boy did it he's going to be a big star!" she spoke her voice cracking in emotion. "Mum" Austin moaned in embarrassment. "No Austin I've have had a lot of proud moments with you and this is by far the best so let me have a moment to let it soak in" she replied making me laugh.

"I know lets go out to celebrate my treat no excuses!" Michele insisted. As we walked out the back of the house to her car driving to our favorite restaurant. Walking into the restaurant the waitress address us. "Good evening mam where would y’all like to sit" he asked as Michele smiled pointing to the table with the stunning view he waitress nodded as she passed us the menus.

I stared at the list of meals unsure what to pick due to the never ending list of mouthwatering dishes. A text appeared on my phone it was Danny, I had completely forgotten he had been waiting outside.

- Hi Cara, Had to go couldn't wait any longer hope everything's alright-

I felt so guilty he had been waiting all that time outside Austin's house for me to return and I hadn’t instead I’d gone out....

“Hey you two I’m just going to go to the ladies and I’ll be back” she informed us standing from her seat placing her napkin onto the table. Austin looked over at me moving his chair closer. “Something else I wanted to tell you with everything being so crazy my mum and I thought it would be best if I dropped out and got home schooled instead” what I thought we’d just started hanging out and now I wasn’t going to be able to see him most of the day.

“But hey well still see each other every day and when I move you can visit me as much as you like” he interrupted trying to reassure me. “It won’t be the same though Austin I’m going to be lonely without you” I replied lowering my head to the ground. He put his arm around me “I know but no matter where I live or what I’m doing you will always be my best friend”

“Good answer, and you will always be mine” I smiled. He has his whole life ahead of him as go I and it was just starting I was going to be there for Austin every step of the way.

It had been two months since Austin had told me he had been signed and all five of us flying over to L.A a few times to go over his contact thing had been crazy. Yeah five, me Demi, AC, Robert and Zach. Now there were two girls and four guys! We need some serious girl power but it does make me laugh how they call themselves the foolish four.

 Speaking of crazy prom is tomorrow everyone is stressing, the struggle to find just one dress it unbelievable. A text from Austin appeared on my phone.

-          Hey Cara can’t wait for tomorrow me and AC got our tux’s and everything you -A 

-          Yeah me too Austin it’s come round so quick! You coming over before? 

-          Yeah well be over half an hour before bet you girls are gonna look pretty -A

I smiled locking my phone throwing it to the bottom of my bed man I’m not ever tired but I got to get some sleep so I don’t get bags for tomorrow I thought sliding into my duvet. I pulled the duvet up to my neck closing me eyes slowly drifting into a deep sleep.

I woke up startled as Demi was shaking me demanding me to wake up. “I’M UP DEMI JEEZ” I shouted I’m really not a morning person it’s best just to leave me alone for a couple hours once I’ve woken up.

I got out all my makeup, heat appliances, perfumes and anything else we were going to need and placed them on my dressing room table wow it was only now I’d realized how much stuff we were going to use it’s like a photo shoot. Demi let me do her makeup for tonight considering she never really wore any which I was happy to help her out.

Once Id finished her makeup it was time to do my hair I wrapped it around the curler releasing in tight curls shaping my face. Finally finishing what felt like forever curling my hair it was time to put my dress on. I picked up my dress unzipping it from the plastic casing from the dry cleaners while Demi finished her hair.

I had picked a thin strapped ruby red floor length dress. The straps where diamond encrusted, the back of my dress completely open keeping together with a criss cross strap reaching from the side of the dress by the bottom of my bust over across my back over my shoulder reaching to the top of the chest. The lining of the back of was dress was also diamond encrusted leading all across my back up the sides of the dress.

Demi’s dress was also stunning. I was a top open thin strapped floor length flowing dress. The chest was heavily crusted with diamonds the back also open with a spider web effect criss cross straps across the back. The colour was pale violet matching her long dangling earing’s she looked stunning with it on.

With our makeup and hair done I helped adjust Demi’s straps as we were all set to go. “Girls the boys are here!” mum shouted from downstairs as I placed the earing’s in. We sprayed one last bit of perfume on freshening us up as we walked to the top of the landing. We held the side of our dress’s with one hand aiming to prevent an accident and in these heels it was very likely to happen.

I got to the first step looking to the bottom to see Austin and Danny waiting courage in both their hands as I swallowed the lump in my throat praying I wouldn’t fall.

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