Chapter Ten: Sometimes It Must Be Done

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We all have this perfect picture in our minds of how things are supposed to be and that’s why we all end up being disappointed. We never see ourselves being let down, people you thought you could trust ending up hurting you most. But what makes it worse is when it’s someone you love, a person you give your heart too just hoping for in return to have there’s, when they break yours leaving you distraught and lost on what you did wrong and sometimes questioning were you are you good enough. And me I had mine broken beyond the point of repair.

I woke to the sound of my alarm clock screaming at me demanding I wake up. Groaning at the thought of my first day back I rolled over pushing my face into the pillow hoping maybe I’d die just there and never have to get up. Forcing myself to get into the shower I stripped myself of my clothes standing in front of the bathroom mirror my ugly reflection starting back at me.

The bruises and cuts still visible on my skin made me think of that night and how I almost lost it all. I sighed heavily running my fingers through my hair stepping into the warm shower.

Reaching for my towel I wrapped it around my body the skin steaming from the heat of the water. I can do this I thought to myself sometimes it must be done. I couldn’t think about the pain of having terrible lessons today all I can think of is seeing Danny and that thought kills me.

Walking out of the bathroom I jumped at the sight of Austin laying on my bed his sat up quickly once he saw me enter the room.

“Austin what are you doing here?” I asked pulling my towel up covering me as much as I could. “Woah you look hot!” Austin replied his eye brows raised. “Yeah I am I forgot to open the window so it’s really steamy” I replied fanning my face with my hands in attempt to cool me down.

“No you look hot hot like really hot, do you just walk around in a towel every time you shower?” my face burned in embarrassment as I walked towards the bed sitting on the corner. “Hey don’t pull that face everything is going to be okay I promise, I’m here for you we all are and today once it’s over you will be fine you’ll learn to breath, we are going to help you through this. I moved closer to Austin hugging him it felt good knowing he was here to pull me through. Realizing I was just in a towel I got up from the bed grabbing clothes from my draws and ran back into the bathroom.

My heart sank as we approached the school gate, all my fears and the people I loathe were inside that building. The thought of everyone’s eyes on me made me feel cold to my core I knew they were going to be talking about me, judging me and the side of the story everyone was talking about.

That’s what angered me most they had only heard his side the part which wasn’t even true! They had heard the fake story which was flying around school like a flame to gasoline. People who gossip fan the fire making it grow bigger and stronger, and this fire wasn’t going to be put out soon.

Austin’s hand rested on the bottom of my back pulling me back into reality, letting me know he’s there and won’t let anything happen to me. That was the only thing that made me get up this morning, the reason I’m standing here feeling like I’m going to be sick. My head began to spin my thoughts had taken over me making me paranoid when I felt Austin pull me closer his warm embrace made me feel safe calming me down.

We had sat through almost the whole of lunch with no encounters with the devil himself. I could feel eyes on me and could hear the quite whispers of the people around me. Ignoring there immature acts we stood leaving the table when the sound of pain Sharpe like a knife rang through my ears.

“Going so soon? There’s no need to run away on my account” Danny laughs his voice sent shivers through my body as we walked away from him. A hand clenched the back my arm pulling me round. “Don’t walk away from me when I am talking to you!” Danny demanded raising his voice catching the entire room’s attention. “I suggest you let go of her arm and walk away” spoke Austin his voice calm and soft as his stood between us.

“Oh look here’s prince charming coming to the rescue, I thought you had learnt from your last lesson!” he replied sourly his grip on my arm tightened. “I asked you once I’m not going to ask you again! Save yourself the embarrassment and walk away” Austin said his voice stern when Danny laughed.

 Austin’s personal space was invaded when Danny was staring right at him inches apart from Austin’s face. “Your one pathetic boy Austin Mahone, stealing another man’s property turning it against me and trying to show me up in front of these people” Danny laughed again when Austin kicked Danny right in his manhood causing him to collapse to the floor in pain.

“She is no ones property, shes a person a woman and you don’t deserve to even look at her. After tomorrow you won’t even get that pleasure because were leaving this dump, and you won’t get anywhere near her because I’m going to take care of her!” Austin shouted as we left the room. He reached for my hand locking his fingers in mine.

I smiled it feels good to hear someone say “take care” but it feels even better to hear them say “I will take care of you” and Austin was going to take care of me. I guess it cleared up all the questions; I was leaving, leaving with Austin to go to a better place where we can live our lives and start over!

It couldn’t be better timing! A new start, new beginning with my best friend in a beautiful place.

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