Chapter Sixteen: Give Me Some Clarity I Need You

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Austin’s pov

Where the hell are they? They were supposed to be here nearly an hour ago what would hold them up this long? No calls not even a text I can’t believe this it’s our first award show!

“Hey man we gotta go in we can’t wait out here any longer” Robert was right but I knew they were going to be here…. They promised.

“We can save you a seat don’t worry; wait out here a bit longer!” Robert spoke up/

*Phone rings*

Austin – Hello?

Caller – Mr Mahone?

Austin – Speaking..

Caller – This is the hospital calling I’m so sorry to tell you but your friends have been in an accident you’re going to need to get here right now

And right at that moment everything around me fell dark……


The doctors won’t tell me anything, Alex has been out of surgery an hour Demi escaped with a few cuts and bruises. Cara, well Cara has made no progress she’s been labeled critical since we got here. I’m not sure if I should be thankful or not everything is so wrong why is this happening? I’ve sat here staring at her beautiful face all night, well in fact all week she’s so perfect.

Everything about her I could watch her forever. Her cheeks drained of their usual hint of pink, her plump soft lips strapped, suffocated by the tube supplying her lungs with oxygen. Her body lifeless makes me heart break all I want is for her eyes to open it can’t be too late.

“Hey it’s me…. Baby are you listening? I’m just going to lay here with you if that’s okay with you. I know things are crazy right now but you gotta wake up because I need you. I can’t do any of this without you, you pick me up when I’m down all I need is you around” my hand stroked her soft face as the machines beeped in the background.

A few tears escaped the corner of my eyes running down my cheeks leaving its salty taste across my lips. I ran my fingers ran through her silky hair, it’s unbelievable to think even after everything that has happened and the amount of time she’s been here she still looks just as beautiful as ever.

My head rested on her chest careful of her fragile figure.  The slow beating of her heart was the most beautiful sound I’ve heard it gives me hope. And with that I felt my eyes close drifting into a deep sleep.  I woke still lying beside her I slowly sat up when I felt a twitch from Cara’s fingers entwined in mine.  I looked down and saw her fingers move once again a groan escaped her lips my eyes shot up to see hers opening.

“Austin..” her frail voice escaped her lips melting my heart. “Cara, you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say my name… Cara… Cara. And just like that her eyes closed again making the machines go wild.


The nurses ran in dragging the bed out of the room from my sight back into surgery I don’t understand what is going on one minute she had come back to me and the next she was gone! I ran my hands through my hair aggressively in panic. A river of tears ran down my face pushing them back while pacing up and down the hallway.I couldn’t just stand around. If I paced the hallway anymore id burn a hole in the floor.

So while I waited for any news I thought it would be best to check up on AC. The boys were all there when I walked in I faked a half smile as they set their eyes upon me. “Hey how’s he doing?” I asked concern in my voice. “I’m okay” AC replied opening his eyes. Everyone ran to his bedside Demi included I looked at the relief in her eyes. As much as I love Alex I didn’t think I should stay long and take away his time with her it was long overdue.

I placed my hand firmly upon his shoulder causing him to wince in pain. “Ooo sorry man still tender are we?” he nodded laughing it off. “Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to let Mr Mahone know Cara is out of surgery. Everything went okay but you’re going to have to wait to see her few complications have led to no visitors for a bit” she left the room smiling leaving such painful words lingering round the room no visitors yeah likely!

Two hours had passed and still no news about Cara all this waiting was frustrating as hell! I decided to leave the room and grab a snack from the vending machine. I closed the door quickly behind me rubbing my eyes this lack of sleep wasn’t good either but there was no way I was leaving her! Zach walked passed throwing a smile my way before walking into Cara’s room but lucky for him I was too tired to care. 

I placed the money into the machine only for my snack to get stuck not a good time for things to piss me off… I looked around to see no one there and then started to attack the machine when finally I won.  I smirked at my victory with a vending machine that sounded funnier in my head.

“AUSTIN!” I heard my name shouted but there was no face in view to be seen. Worry flooded through me when Zach ran round the corner. “Austin it’s Cara!” his words was like a thousand needles in my heart.

“She’s awake man she’s asking for you!” I sigh of relief fell over me as I ran to her room. As soon as I walked into the room her eyes found mine an attempted smile crept upon her strapped lips. The nurse was by her side starting to remove the tube from her mouth causing her to choke making me look away.

“Their finished wimp” she teased oh how I missed her. I went to her bedside planting a kiss on her forehead. I looked to see her eyes closed making me smile. “Never scare me like that again or me and you are no longer friends okay!” she laughed knowing I was only half joking.  “Zach said you have been with me since I got here” I nodded taking a piece of her hair tucking it behind her ear.

“You’re dam stubborn aren’t you Mr Mahone, but if I can be honest there’s no other person I’d want by mine side well maybe one other…” I gave her an evil look breaking it into a laugh. “The others are outside if you want me to bring them in” I sat by her side.  She snuggled up to my resting her head on my arm shaking it. “No I just want to be with you for a while if that’s okay” I nodded kissing her head.

After a while everyone grew impatient and entered the room smothering her. “Hey give her some space guys she’s still sore” I smirked. Trust me to say something with a double meaning.  Luckily no one seemed to catch on to my dirty mind.

*Cara’s pov*


Everyone fell silent as the doctor entered the room with files in his hand. “Ahh it’s so nice to see you finally awake you sure did give us all a scare back there” he smiled pointing at me. “So I’ve been told repeatedly” I shot a look towards Austin who had a smirk plastered across his lips.

“Well it’s still important that you get your rest so twenty more minutes and then she needs to sleep! Not including Mr Mahone of course you’d need a crow bar and a forklift to get him to leave!” everyone laughed at his comment me included. He sulked crossing his arms aww I thought as I pinched his cheeks causing him to blush.

“Back to the point with everyone together I thought it would be best to fill in the news with everyone around” what news I thought to myself. “Oh wait doctor there is someone who’s not here I don’t know if he’s been contacted but I’d like it if you were able to get him here he should know this too!” everyone had a look of confusing across their faces.

“Who bub everyone’s here!” I laughed at Austin’s reply he’s so silly it’s pretty obvious who I’m talking about. But still everyone looked confused looking around at who was missing. “Really guys Danny… he’s not here he should be!” Austin’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re not together anymore remember”

“Stop messing with me Austin you need to call him he should know I’m in hospital” I sighed getting irritated.   “That’s the thing Mr Mahone she doesn’t remember, we’ve discovered that due to the crash Cara has suffered some memory loss. We are unaware right now how much loss that is and if she will get it back but till then rest is all that matters”

Crash, break up what is going on I panicked my breaths quickening. Austin held me his embrace slightly calmed as I began to sob into his chest making his shirt wet.

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