Chapter Twenty: We Scream Out All Night Long

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This chapter consists of content some readers may not like or find disturbing. So before you read on and moan after you have been pre - warned before hand.

Don't read if your under the age of the clock...

if not enjoy ;) 


“Cara it’s Alex again” Danny mouthed his hand covering the phone. My eyes met his as I shook my head not wanting to answer. I’ve be avoiding them all since Austin started the fight with Danny. I thought it would be best to keep my distance especially as Danny and I are actually a couple.  It gives more unneeded reasons to start an argument.

Meanwhile during the past month the boys have continually rang me trying to drag me along to a show. Austin’s tour is finishing today and I knew Alex was calling to get me to go to the after party. “Hey sorry she’s umm… just got into the bath I’ll get her to call you back” he quickly hung up chucking his phone onto the side.

“That’s the best I can do babe! I get why you’ve been avoiding Austin but Alex is still our friend, least you can do is talk to him” his voice judging but his touch soft as he placed his hands gently around my waist. I groaned knowing he was right.

I decided to have a hot bath to clear my head.  

1 hour later

Quickly getting out of the tub I rapped my towel around me, as I heard banging at the door. “Danny can you get it!” I shouted out but there was no reply. Walking out through to the dining room I found note.

Hey babe just popped out left your key…. Alex will be here soon I’ll be here when your back…

What I thought... before I could process what he meant the banging continued. Rushing to the door it swung open revealing Alex a smirk plastered across his face. “Get dressed your coming with me no questions asked!” he demanded pushing me in the direction of the bedroom.

Alex pulled up at the entrance of the villa it took so long to drive here we missed the show.  There was no escaping Austin now… least the girls will be there I thought as we got out of the car and began approaching the door.

Dressed in a short black leather skirt, white top cut at the sides leaving my back exposed. All topped with a pair of laced up heels the outfit wasn’t my choice, all of it was Alex’s choice… “Looking smoking Cara!” Robert shouted his hands grabbing at my sides, the stench of alcohol coming from his mouth.

“Hands of boozie” AC chuckled walking Robert to the living room. I need a drink if I’m going to survive tonight I thought. I snuck off to the kitchen where I found a bottle of vodka. Strong first I guess as I chugged down half the bottle its contents burnt as it slid down my throat.

“CARA!” I turned round to see Demi; her face fell when she saw the bottle attached to my lips. “Getting right in there I see… nervous to see Austin I’m guessing” I nodded putting the bottle down embracing her in a tight hug, it’s just what I needed to calm me.

“Cara?” the familiar voice ran through me as I turned to match it with Austin’s gorgeous face.  “I didn’t expect to you here” he smiled weakly the tension between us could be cut with a knife. “Looking sexy I love your outfit!” a female voice screamed from a distance… Camila and the girls had arrived.

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