We didn't make the playoffs and I drove back home to Duluth for the summer. The Blackhawks didn't make the playoffs either, that meant Patrick would go home.

Today was my eighteenth birthday. I spent it driving alone to Chicago. My mom, dad, sister, brother, and Auston were all calling me. I arrived in Chicago and I went to coach Q's house.

"Ashley, what are you doing here?" He asked

"I want to come back.. Leaving was a huge mistake.."

"I wish it was that easy, but I will see what I can do."

"Thanks coach.." I said

I went back to my car and instead of going back to Minnesota, I headed towards New York. It was only noon. 

The closer that I got to New York, the more nervous I became. It was about 9pm when I pulled into Patrick's driveway.

I rang the doorbell and he opened the door.

"Ash.."' He said shocked to see me

"Hi.." I said

"Happy birthday.." He said looking into my eyes

"Thank you.." I said

I was standing in the entry of his house and I asked, "Are you alone?"

"Yeah.." He said

"I'm sorry for everything..." I said

"Why'd you leave?" He asked

"Auston threatened to tell everyone about us... You would be kicked out of the NHL and face ten years in a maximum security prison."

"Ashley.." he said feeling really guilty

"I'm a legal adult... There is nothing they can do now.." I said

"So what are you planning on doing?"

"That depends.. My family and Auston are freaking out because I left without telling anyone."

"Tell them you're okay.." He said

I texted me mom and told her I was fine and not to worry and that I would call her later.

"Why'd you come here?"He asked me

"Why do you think?" I asked

He looked at me and asked, "Did you mean what you said to me?"

He wanted to kiss me so badly.

"Patrick Timothy Kane, shut up and kiss me already.." I said

He smiled and he leaned in and kissed me. 

"I love you.." I said

"I love you too.." He said back

We were making out and he carried me up to his room.

We laid there in his bed, hours later, talking. 

"What now?" He asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"This can't keep happening if you are going to be with Auston.."

"Patrick, I don't want to date Auston... I want you, but I don't know how to end things with Auston because he will be pissed and tell everyone what happened when I was seventeen.."

"There is no proof.." He said

"I know, but it's still terrifying.."

"Why?" He asked

"Because that makes things real and all eyes will be on us." I said

"Is real a bad thing?"

"No.." I said

I kissed him again..

 He pulled away and said, "I want everything with you.."

I woke up in Patrick's arms and I said, "I need to get home.."

"Did you drive here alone?"


"Well, you aren't going back alone.."

"You're coming with?" I asked

"Yeah, and I'll fly back home."

"You don't have to.." 

"I do.." 

Patrick asked, "Will you please take the ring back?"

"Yeah.." I said

He slipped it on my finger and he kissed the finger.

I took a shower and Patrick took me out to breakfast and we started driving back home.

We drove for hours and hours and after we crossed the New York state line, the kissing ended. 

Patrick and I stopped in Chicago as it was late and we were getting tired. 

We were at his place and I was laying in his bed, next to him.

We just slept. We were in Chicago... This was the first time that I've ever slept in the same bed in Chicago.

We woke up and drove to Minnesota.

I dropped Patrick off at the airport and he leaned into kiss me and I pulled back.

He flew home to New York and I drove to Duluth.

Auston was still there and my parents were pissed.

We did all the birthday celebrating and honestly, I just wanted Patrick there.

I went in my room and there was a package. It was from Patrick. There was a heart shaped necklace with hockey sticks in the middle. There were diamonds around the heart.

I sent Patrick a picture and I said: Thank you, I absolutely love it. 

A few hours later, Patrick responded. You know I didn't forget your birthday.  I just landed in Buffalo.

Auston was coming in my room and I hid the necklace and I said, "Auston, dating you was fun in the beginning, but now.. Things have changed.."

"How was Buffalo?" He asked

"I didn't go to Buffalo. I went to Chicago to talk to Q about maybe coming back.."


"I hate LA.." I said

A few days passed and Auston went home to Arizona. I spent most of the summer training. I was back in LA for the season to start. Q said he didn't know how to get me back with the salary caps.

We played the Hawks tonight and there was a knock on my door. I opened it and there was Patrick.

"Patrick..." I said

"Auston texted me.." He said

It was a threatening text saying that if he showed up at my place, he would tell everyone.

"But you're here anyway?" I asked

"yeah, to end everything between us.. I can't have this ruin my career.."

"Patrick.." I said

"I need the ring and the necklace.." He said

I started to cry as I handed them over.

"I'm so over you always picking him over me.. He will continue to fuck you over and treat you like shit "

"So this is it?" I asked

"There was nothing here to end..." He said leaving 

I was bawling. I showed up to the game and hockey was the last thing on my mind. 

I was playing like shit. Patrick was playing like shit. I pulled myself from the game, telling my coach that I was going to throw up. I went back home and laid in bed all night crying.

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