Final Chapter: "I Have A Queen!"

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Right After The Vote At The Assembly

"Eh? A condition?" asked Kihyun.

"Yes Your Majesty, two conditions." said Prime Minister Shin.

"That's what our colleagues agree with right now." said Deputy PM Lee.

"What are those conditions? And who thought of them?"

"Kihyun, actually, it's both Commander Jo and Director Go." Hyunwoo told him.

"Them?!" Kihyun faced Commander Jo who was behind him. "Commander? Care to explain?"

"Of course Your Majesty and I do apologize for keeping this from you. First of all, I do want to clarify that this wasn't a condition when I had it brought up. You see, I proposed to Director Go that Ha Sungwoon, Park Jihoon, Bae Jinyoung, Lee Daehwi, Jang Moonbok and Lai Guanlin all be allowed to train and become royal guards as the sentence that they will receive instead. Director Go wasn't sure of the idea yet until he saw them training. As you've known, they've been brought to a royal guard camp under my orders which you, the Prince Regent and the PM have approved. After that, we quickly sent a joint request to His Highness and Excellency but, due to the Jung Problem, they said it's not yet the right time to discuss it."

"So it was more of a request first? And how did it become a condition?"

"Allow me to explain, sire." said the PM. "Some minutes passed after they called us for that request, Director Go contacted us once again and this time, had included Jung Sewoon as part of the request. We gave him the same answer but as I was having a meeting with my colleagues, they asked me what it was; we were having a tense meeting at that time so I had no choice but to tell them. I also informed the Prince Regent about it soon after. Now, when we received your request for today's emergency session, my colleagues, since we have the majority in the Assembly, demanded that request be turned into a condition. After the vote earlier, when you were taking a break, they all asked me to bring this up to you."

"Prime Minister, are they threatening to overturn their own vote?" asked Seungwoo.

"No, they're not Your Highness but, they did tell me that in case His Majesty won't agree, they will bring it up to the Supreme Court instead."

"Ah, of course. The loophole in that article... I read about it yesterday... even after the Assembly has voted for something, if another member thinks it's unconstitutional or wrong, another motion could be put forward to have the matter be reviewed by the Supreme Court instead. Of course, that would require another vote."

"That's the gist of it, sire." said the PM.

"Well, the vote has been made. We have no choice but to accept those conditions. I need to speak to Sir Jung at once."

Fast Forward To The Present

The Jungs were now being driven on their way to their home while escorted by several royal guards on Kihyun's orders.

Sir Jung had been explaining to Sewoon the condition along the way.

"So let me get this straight, instead of having Sungwoon, me and our friends being imprisoned, we have to train and eventually serve as royal guards... that would be our sentence then, am I right?"

"Yes Sewoon and again, I'm very sorry for keeping this from you. His Majesty's orders. He told me to only inform you once we've arrived back here in the city. Your mother and sister did know about it as well."

"It's alright dad, no problem... if that's the price we have to pay for everything we did then, it's best to accept it... We can atone for our sins by accepting this condition then..."

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