Chapter V: "This Calls For A Change Of Plans"

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"What the... is noona on the way home already? She didn't stay there much longer?! Aish... she's probably with dad right now. I guess she's riding in his car right now."

For the past few minutes, even as my professor talked in front of our class, my eyes had been glued on my phone's screen which showed the present location and movements of my older sister. Yesterday, I had replaced one of the buttons of her dress with a small tracking device which looked exactly like the button itself. That tracking device is special; not only does it show where my noona is right now but it also acts as a small radar device allowing me to see if there are people around or near her. This tracker is just one of many gadgets I invented and tinkered around while waiting for our mission to arrive. I made sure to hook it up to my phone so I could follow her movements. I made a mental check to myself to improve the tracker itself; I'm working on a new one which would also function as a mini camera, undetectable by those detectors at the airport and other places because currently, although it allows me to see if there are people around my noona, it doesn't tell me who are those people so turning the tracker into a small camera would be a good thing indeed. I also plan on adding a listening device to it. What's the use of the camera if I won't be able to hear what they're talking about, right?

So earlier, I saw on my phone's screen that she was surrounded by at five people.

"The King could be one of them." I said to myself.

Of course, I made sure that my seatmate and best friend, Seungwoo wouldn't see what I was looking at. Even though he's my best friend and I trust him, there's absolutely no way I would tell him about my family's true identity. Until our mission has been achieved, I need him by my side... and... I really do think of him as my best friend.

Sensing that my older sister is probably on her way home already, I turned off my phone and paid attention to our professor.

"What was he saying?" I asked Seungwoo.

"He said that since we're having a quiz tomorrow, we have to listen attentively to our topic for today." replied Seungwoo. "Yah, you weren't listening?"

"Sorry, I was checking something online..."

"What is it this time?"

"Oh just some accessories for my guitar."

"Are you going to ask your noona to buy it for you?"

"Hmmm... maybe? Once she receives her first paycheck? I mean she's at the palace right now and I'm pretty sure she'll get accepted."

"Wow, you really do LOVE your older sister. But yeah, I share your opinion; I think she'll get accepted. You know what? I think I should ask! Give me a minute... wait, she's your older sister. Why don't you ask her instead?"

"Good point." I turned on my phone again and sent my noona a message.

"Noona, did you get the job?"

Great message, Sewoon. But still, I'm sure she'll answer...

"Yes I did. I'm on my way home right now."

I know that.

"Seungwoo, she got the job and she's going home..."

Another message.

"Yah, why are you sending me a message during your class? Pay attention to your professor!"

"She got the job? Wah! That's so good to hear!" said Seungwoo.

"And she told me to pay attention to our professor."

"Typical of her. Hahaha! Wait, so um, do you think... you know, my cousin... did he... recognize her?"

I Need A Queen?!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora