Chapter XXVI: "Happy Birthday, Miyeon"

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The next day, despite being nervous and anxious, Kihyun met and talked with the Royal Household regarding Hayoon's marriage to Daniel. With the papers that the two brought with them the day before, Kihyun made sure to use it all to their fullest extent. It literally meant lying to the members of Royal Household, the only other 'right' option they have in order to avert possible destructive consequences.

By the end of the meeting which lasted for at least 3 hours and a half, the outcome was a success. Everything Kihyun said convinced them enough that they didn't plan on inviting the two to attend a meeting with them. The two were overjoyed to hear this outcome and kept thanking Kihyun again and again over the phone prompting him to yell at them to shut their mouths and prepare for the official announcement. Of course, he also told the others about this in their groupchat (Miyeon, Hyunbyul & Daniel were all added the night before). Everyone promised to help Hayoon if she needed any hand and then proceeded to warn Daniel again not to hurt her (Noticeably, Changkyun was the only one who didn't say something to Daniel). The only thing left was for Kihyun to officially give the two his royal consent and a public announcement.

Another thing that Kihyun had to prepare was for his state visit to the United Kingdom which was happening in a few weeks. The elections which PM Shin called for was also happening a week before he leaves for London, so that's also something he has to think about. Another thing was the hunt for Jang Moonbok on which Director Go would be reporting to him soon. Lastly, there's the 'plan' he's been thinking since Friday.

Of course, now that he's dating Miyeon, he makes sure to have time for her despite his busy schedule. Both in the morning and afternoon, he has one hour spared in order for him to watch her play the piano; their afternoon time was mostly two hours since he'll invite her to eat some snacks or have tea or just accompany him in the gardens. With 'valuable information' from Sewoon, Kihyun managed to know some stuff about Miyeon that she has yet to tell him which often caught her by surprise.

"I've got a lot of competition from Japan..."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, you know all of these guys, right?"

"...! Where did you?!... Sewoon told you... correct?"

"You know it somehow feels good to have a younger brother like him..."

"So now you think of him as your younger brother?"

"Well he does think of me as his future brother-in-law so why shouldn't I think of him as one?"

"Yah! Yoo Kihyun! Hahahaha!"

"Thank Sewoon for me please when you get home later."

"Do you talk to him before or after you talk to me?"

"Hmmm, mostly after I talk to you."

"...okay, thanks for telling me."

"Yah, don't you dare go barging in to his room!"

"You can't stop me in my own home! Hahaha!"

"I should tell him to lock his door whenever I'm talking to him..."

"I can't believe you two are conspiring against me!"

"Correction, my beautiful girlfriend, we're conspiring FOR YOU."

"... for me? What the heck?!"

"Hahahaha! Sewoon's right, you are adorable when you get mad. Hahaha!"

"I'm going to murder him when I get home later!"

Sewoon, Minji and Seungwoo had the last of their exams before summer break, choosing to review together which literally meant Seungwoo having to endure Minji and Sewoon's sweet moments with each other.

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