Chapter I: "I'm So Handsome And Everybody Knows That"

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"Your Majesty? Please wake up now..."




"It's a beautiful day outside!"

"Hmmm... beautiful... eh?..."

"...okay and it'll be a busy day too so, come on now Your Majesty, wake up now!"

"Alright! Geez..."

"He really looks ugly while sleeping, right?"

"I prefer seeing him awake..."

"Yah...You crazy cousins of mine! I can hear the two of you!"

I could hear Seungwoo and Yeonjung both giggling while I hear the footsteps of my butler and personal secretary, Lee Gwanghyun, going around; I guess he's at the windows and opened the curtains already since I could feel the light touching my face.

I finally opened my eyes and slowly rubbed them as I slowly sat up.

"Oh good! Your tea is here Your Majesty. Would you like to drink it now or..."

"I'm going to get washed up first. Thanks for the tea though, Gwanghyun."

"I am at your service, sire."

"As for the two of you..." I now looked at my two cousins. "Don't you both have classes today? GET OUT!"

"Aigoo... so crank in the morning!" said Yeonjung.

"Good thing the public doesn't see you like this, hyung." said Seungwoo.


They both ran out of my room while laughing.

"Oh come on now Your Majesty, don't start your day with a grumpy mood." said Gwanghyun. "Besides, this afternoon, you'll be having another Privy Council meeting with them included."

"Well, I already did and I know that." I replied as I stood up.

"Cheer up sire, I'm sure this will be a great day!"

"I very well hope so. Last week was a disaster. I'm going inside now."

I went inside the bathroom and started washing my face.

"Sire, I already arranged your bed and your clothes are already on top of it. I'll be waiting outside."

"Thank you Gwanghyun. I'll be out soon."

Last week's events still weighed heavily on my mind.

First up, Kim Shidae, the Republican Party's head, announced his intention to run for the position of prime minister after my current one, Sir Shin, called for snap elections after the National Assembly failed to pass a bill regarding increased surveillance on the streets of the country. Although PM Shin has a super majority in the assembly, a good number of them along with the republicans opposed the bill so, PM Shin came to ask for my consent to dissolve the assembly and hold a snap election next month, which I agreed to. A lot of people are worried because the supporters of the republican movement have increased in number due in part to the 2017 Royal Crisis, the very event which caused me to sit on the throne after finding out the truth about my family and myself as well as the involvement of Princess Lee & Prince Hyungwon's fathers in my family's disappearance. I have been King for three years already, with my cousins, Crown Prince Seungwoo and Princess Yeonjung as my heirs. Even though much of the country supports the monarchy, there are still forces at work, with their goal of destabilizing the government and bringing about the downfall of the monarchy.

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