Chapter 34

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Lauren sat cross-legged on the white sheet covering the dusty cement floor of the building site, with her eyes closed.

"So this is where you disappear to every day," the soft voice spoke. Lauren's eyes remained closed. "How do you do it, Camila?"

"Do what?"
"Just appear out of nowhere exactly when I'm thinking of you?"
She heard him laugh lightly but She didn't answer the question. "Why is this room the only one that hasn't been finished? Or started, by the looks of it." She stood behind her.

"Because I need help. I'm stuck."

"Well, what do you know, Lauren Jauregui is asking for help." There was a silence until Camila started humming a familiar song, the song she hadn't been able to get out of her head for the past two months and the song that was almost making her broke, thanks to Keana and Vero's pig in the office.

Her eyelids flew open. "What are you humming?"

"The humming song."

"Did Luke teach you that?"

"No I  taught him, thank you very much," She explained.

"Oh, really," Lauren grumbled, "I thought his invisible friend made it up." She laughed to herself and then looked up to her. She wasn't laughing. Eventually She spoke.

"Why do you sound like you're speaking with socks in your mouth?" She looked down at her.

"What is that on your face? A muzzle?" She roared laughing.

Lauren's cheeks flushed. "It's not a muzzle," she spat

. "You have no idea how much dust and bacteria this building has. Anyway, you should be wearing a hard hat"—she knocked on her own—"God forbid this place should come down on us," she added sarcastically.

"Although I forgot you're invisible. Falling concrete blocks would just fly right through your body."

"What else are you wearing?" She ignored her moodiness and looked her up and down. "Gloves?"

"So my hands don't get dirty." She pouted like a child.

"Oh, Lauren." Camila shook her head and strolled comically around her. "All the things I've taught you and you're still worrying about being clean and tidy." She picked up a paintbrush that was sitting beside an open pot of paint and dipped it in.

"Camila," Lauren said, nervously watching her, "what are you going to do?"

"You said you wanted help." She grinned at her.

Lauren rose slowly to her feet. "Ye-es, help with painting the wall," her voice warned.

"Well, unfortunately you didn't quite specify that when you asked, so I'm afraid that doesn't count." She dipped the paintbrush into the red paint, held the bristles back in her hand, and released them toward Lauren like a catapult. Paint splattered across her face.

"Ooh, too bad you weren't wearing protective clothing on the rest of your face," She teased, watching her eyes widen in anger and shock.

"Camila," she said with venom in her voice, "throwing me in the lake is one thing, but this is ludicrous," she squealed. "This is my work. I'm serious, I want absolutely nothing more to do with you Camila, Camila . . . I don't even know your surname," she spluttered.

"It's Elbisivni," She explained calmly. (A/N : I know,I know,It's Cabello but I want to keep the backward words game : so its Invisible backwards ;) if you don't like it tell so I can edit it :p )

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