Chapter 30

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A/N: I think the story will have just 10 more chapters or 15, I still haven't decided wish end I want

Lauren allowed her red dress to slide down her legs, gather at her ankles, and then stepped out of it. She wrapped a warm bathrobe around her body, pinned her hair up, and climbed onto her bed with a cup of coffee she had brought from downstairs. She had wanted Camila to come to bed with her tonight, despite her earlier protests.

She had wanted her to take her in her arms on the sand in the cove right there but it seemed the more she felt drawn to her, the further she pulled herself away. After they had watched the stars dancing in the sky and then had themselves danced on the sand, Camila had withdrawn into herself in the car on the journey home.

She had asked her to let her out in the small town, from where she would make her own way home, wherever home was. She had yet to bring her there or introduce her to her friends and family. Lauren had never before been interested in meeting the others in her partners' lives, with college boyfriends,girlfriends or with Mark. She felt as though as long as she enjoyed her company, whether or not she liked the company of those who surrounded her was irrelevant.

But with Camila she felt she needed to see another side to her.

She needed to witness her relationships with other people so she could become the three-dimensional character she so desperately believed she could be. That was always the argument old partners had with Lauren and now she finally understood what it was they were searching for. Lauren had watched Camila in her mirror as she drove away, intrigued to know what directions he would walk in. She had looked left and right down the deserted streets, which were empty at that late night hour, began to walk left in the direction of the mountains and the hotel, but after a few steps she stopped, turned around, and walked in the other direction.

She crossed the road and strode confidently toward a store, but halted suddenly, eventually folded her arms across ers chest, and sat down on the stone windowsill of the butcher's. She didn't think she knew where home was or if she did, she didn't know her way there. She knew hows he felt. On Monday afternoon, Camila stood at the doorway to Ally's office and chuckled as she listened to Luis ranting to Ally for a steady ten minutes.

As amusing as he was to listen to, they'd have to hurry their meeting along, because Camila was due to meet Lauren at seven p.m. She had twenty minutes.

She hadn't seen her since the Delta Aquarids viewing on Saturday night, the greatest night of her long, long life. She had tried to walk away from her after that. She had tried to leave the town, tried to move on to someone else who needed her help, but she couldn't. She didn't feel drawn to any direction other than Lauren, and it was stronger than any other pull she had experienced before.

This time it wasn't just her mind that was pulling her, it was her heart too.

"Ally." Luis's serious tones floated out to the hallway.

"I desperately need more staff for next week."

"Yes, I understand, Luis, and we've already arranged for Suki to help you in the lab," Ally explained in her gentle yet firm tones.

"There's nothing more we can do for now."

"That's simply not good enough," he fumed.

"On Saturday night, millions of people viewed the Delta Aquarids. Do you know how many wishes will come shooting in here over the next few weeks?" He didn't wait for an answer and Ally didn't offer one.

"It's a dangerous procedure, Ally, and I need more hands. While Suki is extremely efficient in the administration area, she is not qualified in wish analysis. Either I'm helped out by more staff or you'll have to find a new wish analyst," he puffed. With that he stormed out of the office, past Camila and down the hallway, mumbling, "After years of studying to be a meteorologist, I get stuck doing this!"

Imaginary Lover // Camren Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن