Rome's Corner (update + exciting news)

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*enter Rome into a darkly lit room with only one lone chair in the center*

Yeah, it's me, your favorite sexy redhead, Rome.

*dramatically sits upon his throne, a mighty golden crown atop his pretty head*

Why am I talking to you readers, you ask? Well, the author is a very busy woman at the moment. There's a lot on her hands right now and she's trying to finish editing a very long (over 130,000 words), very interesting manuscript! Sadly, it's not Red I'm afraid (yet), but it's just as good!

So you got me for now. I mean, I'm pretty great if I do say so myself, so don't be too upset.

She left us all on a cliffhanger, I know, and I don't even know what's going to happen to me, but don't worry! She plans on coming back soon! (Even if it feels like forever 🙄).

So hold on tight, and don't give up hope just yet! My very beautiful, very brilliant wife will save the day here least I hope...heh...

(he has a lot of hope, i promise. scarlett is a baddie if i've ever seen one -a)

Hey, this is my time to shine! Get out of here!

     *shoos the author away, and camera zeroes in on rome's dazzling smile*

     Well anyways, in the meantime, she wanted me to update all of you lovely individuals on what's going on and why there hasn't been an


     But I promise, all of this waiting will be worth it in the end! She is in the middle stages of editing the manuscript with her editor and will soon begin looking for a publishing company!

     By the way, her writing has only gotten BETTER since she stopped writing chapters in Red! Can you believe that?

     *swoons dramatically*

     And p.s., you might think I'm hot—but these new characters in her manuscript might just be even hotter than yours truly...

     *makes a suggestive face*

     And with that, I'm afraid it's time for me to get back to my wife now. She's probably wondering where I've gone!

*waves royally to the camera, and winks as he begins to walk off camera*

I'll be back soon ladies and gents 😉

And so will I! -a :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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