13. Loyalty

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     Flex. Loosen. Flex. Loosen.

     My fingers began to grow tired and numb as I continued to flex my hand for minutes upon minutes, struggling as I tried to understand the odd bracelet clamped around my wrist. Every so often it's light would flicker slightly as if taunting me as I continued to try and comprehend its detailed yet simple structure. The damned thing was getting on my nerves. It was as if it was alive inside the little round circle of light.

We were nearing shore with a few hours of sunlight to spare, and I was eager to begin trying to get this thing off once I was somewhere private. Somewhere I could test my powers to the limit, or the extent I could get to without causing myself to grow weary quickly. Without any training my magic was like an energy draining machine mixed with a ticking time bomb.

     Loraine came in with some food for me a few minutes after I had given up for now. A few pieces of soft homemade bread and red meat filled the porcelain plate, along with some steamed greens and whipped fluffy potatoes. At least they were being generous in feeding me. It smelled absolutely amazing, and if this wasn't a kidnapping—if this wasn't against my will—I think I would've thanked the chef personally.

She handed me the plate filled with lovely food with an abhorrent glare, her hand pausing at her side just above her dagger as if I would try something again. I take the plate and pick up the fork on the side, looking at the fresh whipped potatoes with longing as my mouth salivated. My stomach agreed with a slight growl.

"Eat up. We will be reaching the coast here soon. From there I will be escorting you to your chambers in His Highness' kingdom." Loraine doesn't hesitate to make her leave once she finished speaking, pivoting on a heel with fluid grace I could only assume came from years of agileness on the battle field. Before she closes the door, though, I spoke.

"Thank you." I said, earning a peculiar look from her. She doesn't say anything more as she finally turned away with a toss of her short white hair and closed the door behind her, locking it quickly. Silence once again filled the room.

It doesn't take long for me to devour all the food on my plate, especially taking to the whipped potatoes. They were delicious.

     Not long after I finish the food, the sun has begun to set and we finally reached the shore. I can barely glimpse the expanse of a city and a towering kingdom in the middle, the background filled with rolling hills and jagged mountains. It was like a painting.

     I'm led off of the boat with my hands tied behind my back, bound by a thick rope that was uncomfortably tight around my wrists. I wondered if Loraine did it on purpose. Along with the ropes, a subtle hood is draped around my shoulders and tied in the front, shielding my face from any curious stares. It wasn't as if anyone knew me. I had yet to attend Court properly and meet new lords and ladies. Word of my appearance wouldn't have spread.

     But I don't question it as Loraine pushed me onwards towards the harbor, and I noticed the two mounts awaiting our arrival, the purple crest of Kail's royal family etched onto their saddles. It made me shiver ever so slightly.

     I'm guided up to a cream-colored mare, her mane the color of warm golden straw. I probably would have pet her if my hands weren't bound. Loraine tied the mare to her own mount, a stallion with powerful muscle rippling under his gleaming jet black pelt.  She helps me into the saddle and binds my legs to the stirrups to make sure I didn't escape. Not that I wanted to, anyways. I had business to take care of inside that daunting castle.

     It seemed Kail had already moved onwards and did not come for us, as I hadn't seen him since the incident on the boat. I wondered if he didn't want to see me again. To be reminded of my flames, and the hatred I poured from my eyes right into his soul while I burned his skin with such intensity a mountain would shake in my wake.

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