21. A Pull in the Darkness

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     That was not a dream. Or at least... a normal dream.

     I grasped the necklace I had clasped onto my neck before I left as I walked with the handmaid taking me to dinner. The emerald jewel was cold to the touch, and felt icy against my warm skin. I had concealed it beneath my evening gown just in case it wasn't supposed to be seen by anyone but me. For him to give it to me now, it must hold some kind of powerful protection spell or something.

     How was Rome able to get this to me in a dream, anyway? That meant that everything we had shared in my mind...

     I blush furiously.

Damnit. Every time I wanted to draw further away, he manages to entwine me back under his spell. He doesn't even seem to be shaken anymore about the fact that I left for some space from him and a little peace and quiet.

Damn him.

     The older woman taking me to the dining hall turns into a wider, more expansive hallway to our right. I continue my eased pace behind her, but begin to hesitate as I hear hushed voices picked up with my fae hearing.

     They were inaudible from where I was, but I heard them. The voices were fervent and rushed as if whatever was being said couldn't be said fast enough. Looking down past the marble columns that ran along the walls, I find myself looking at two men strapped down in armor against the wall, their faces close in covert conversation.

     One of them looked familiar from the back, his build muscular and lean from years of working. He begins to turn around when he hears our shoes clicking along the echoing floor.

It was then I knew why I recognized him.

It was Jasper, Commander of Rome's standing army. His eyes flash with recognition and surprise as he beholds me.

     What was he doing here in Viana's castle?

The surprise in his face is quickly masked as he schooled his face into placid, calculated coolness. "You're Highness," Jasper bows deeply as I come closer. Something was odd about his demeanor no matter how well he was able to hide it. I could see it.

     "Commander." My voice is clipped as I nod in a polite greeting and allow him to stand from his formal bow. He didn't seem to notice my cold tone as he smiled warmly, a row of pearly white teeth flashing in the light.

"Please, Your Highness, call me Jasper."

At his full height before me, I couldn't deny his eerie beauty despite a long and deep scar that ran across his cheek. I must've not noticed it during the day of the wedding when I had first met him.

     Dark brown hair was clipped in a semi-short style along his head, giving the appearance of a soldier and yet had a spark of wild ease. It was coarse and wavy where it was longest on the top of his head and draped over his forehead ever so slightly, making his pale blue eyes appear slightly more vivid in contrast.

Of course, he was not as beautiful as Rome was. He couldn't even compare.

Beneath his sleek metal armor, I could sense the power that radiated from him. It wouldn't take someone that long to figure out he didn't just earn his way to Commander. He had fought for it, too.

     "If you don't mind me asking, Your Majesty," Jasper clears his throat. "Why are you here in Daria?"

"Why would you care why I'm here? Am I not allowed to leave as I please?" The bitter reply came out before I could fully process my words. Jasper blinked in surprise.

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