24. Naked

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GUYS!!! what do you think of my edit!? isn't it awesome? i love it

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GUYS!!! what do you think of my edit!? isn't it awesome? i love it. i hope y'all love it too! (:

(yes, that is the sims 4... and yes, i did spend about 3 hours editing it on procreate😂😂💀#neveragain #diditforyouguys #justkiddingdiditformyselftoo)

ALSO, WARNING: extra spicy and INTENSE chapter! if you are young, please read with caution as this chapter contains explicit scenes.


Night had fallen across the land, bringing with it a furious storm. Thunder rumbled in the distance and lightning flashed from the view outside my windows. The fervent patter of heavy rain gave me a pleasant sound to listen to as I remained bedridden, and the only thing occupying my restlessness was a thick book sitting between my lap. I remained cozily curled under the covers, careful of my nearly fully-healed wound as I read my book.

I was too soon interrupted by the click of the door.

Shrinking deeper into my covers, I watch as Rome enters the room, his wings curling in tight around him so he could fit through the doorway. I assumed he came through the door to be polite instead of just teleporting in like he normally would.

"Hello," I breathe out, my voice lost to a sudden boom of thunder outside. Rome seemed to hear me though as he smiled softly.

"Good evening, Scarlett." He pauses a few feet from my bed, his hands placed awkwardly in his pant pockets. I could tell he was uncomfortable with the situation, although I didn't fully understand why. "What did you want to talk about?"

I close my book and set it beside me, shifting myself so I sat up against my pillows.


Rome blinks his surprise, his lips parting as if to say something, but he closes them as he decides to wait for me to speak again.

"I want to talk about us, and what I feel. We feel." I say. "I want to understand what this bond is between us, because it is most definitely there and I don't understand it at all. We are only married through a bargain, so why would that carry with it these... Feelings?" I look down at my hands, palms facing up. Squeezing my fingers into fists, I close my eyes and remember the sensations I got when I touched him. When our skin made contact, and the undeniable pulse that thrummed between us.

Rome deliberated my words as his brows furrow and his lips pull into a thin line. I watch as his wings seem to tremble on his back, just slightly. It almost wasn't even visible, and for a second I thought maybe I had just imagined it. But they trembled again, the feathers swaying ever so slightly along the wing.


"I don't really know why," he says. "Honest."

I felt the lie slice through the air like a knife. I could sense it as if I could see directly into Rome's head with my own two eyes. "You're lying, Rome."

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