45. The Final Fermata

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*internal screaming intensifies*

don't ask for the full thing because a) i have not finished it and b) i cannot muster the strength to reveal a drawing i don't find i did well on. (scarlett's hair color has me rolling in my grave the shading is terrible and i cannot for the life of me get rome's dAMN button-up shirt right.)

enjoy the eye shots though lmao

also, enjoy a glimpse of baby rome. hehe



                              583 Years Ago

4 Years Old

A small boy with wild red hair ran down the hallway as fast as he possibly could, willing his tiny legs to go faster. Faster. He was fast. Faster than anyone, and everything. Or so he thought.

Servants that passed through the hallway stopped their movements while he ran by, afraid to accidentally run into him while he was chased.

The woman chasing behind him was gaining speed, and before Rome could get to the music hall, he felt her hands grasp him from under his arms.

"Gotcha!" His mother lifted him high, her twin green eyes shining brightly at him. He went into a fit of giggles when she brought him to her hip and held him close while she tickled his stomach. "You were caught by the big scary monster! What ever will you do now? I demand you surrender!"

"Never," Rome got out between laughs. "I will never surrender!"

"Ah, I see." She pulled him closer and walked around the bend of the hallway, ending up before a wide brown door that opened into the music room. He fought to escape her arms, but she kept him on her hip and entered the room.

"I suppose I will just have to put you..." She tapped a finger on her lip as she thought. She scanned the room and eventually her eyes landed on the piano seat. "There!"

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