Chapter 38 ( Meet the Brunette )

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Cylec's Pov:

"Did you just heard what Jessy said, bro!? That woman! How dare her call me boring and bastard? She's unbelievable!"

Enrique was fuming now. I just shook my head.

"Well, I think she's right though." I said to annoyed him.

"Really, dude! That's not what I'm expecting from you." He said.

I shrugged my shoulder and get up on the bed. I'am supposed to be making love with Cyleen right now if Jessy and him didn't disturb us. I'm still turned on, for pity sake! I think I just need to take a shower quickly.

"Then don't expect too much from me. I'm just going to take a quick shower. Want to join me?" I joke around.

"Jeez! No, thanks, bro. If you're Jessy, I don't mind. But with you, oh that's a big no!" He said also kidding around.

Well, that's our funny flatters since we're in grade school. If there's a girl we don't like and want to get rid off, were acting like the two of us are lovers. And those girls suddenly back off.

But it changed during high school days. When Cyleen caught us making that kind of prank makes me feel damn worried and I really make it clear to her that were not a member of LGBTQ and we're both damn straight!

"Okay. It's your lost, not mine." I said before entering the shower room.

"I'm gonna tell Cyleen about this." He said while laughing.

"Don't you dare! I'm gonna kill you!" I shouted back.

I heard him laughed out loud. After I take a shower, he's still waiting in my room reading some pocketbooks.

"Seriously, Enrique? Why you're reading that kind of romance books?" I asked while putting on some clothes.

"To find some tips on how to be an effective hot lover? So that Jessy won't call me boring and a lousy one?" He said.

"Don't tell me you take what Jessy said seriously? You're unbelievable, man! But— is it true that there's some tips you can read there about how to be an effective partner?" I became curious too.

"Of course! My gosh, man! This is totally great! Want to read some?" He said and throw the other books on me.

I find myself reading that romance pocket books too. Were busy reading that books when my phone suddenly rang. It's Mr. Monaco! What is it this time?

"Hello, Mr. Monaco?" I said.

"Did Diana already showed up in your office, Mr. Jordan?" Mr. Monaco asked me.

What!? Why he's asking if Diana is on on my office? She's on the California, right? Don't tell e she's here in the Philippines now?

"I don't know, Mr. Monaco. I'm not in my office right now. I'm on leave until next day. Why?" I said.

"Oh, so Diana didn't tell you yet? Well, let me tell you then. I decided to give Diana a chance to be my successor. I decided to make her trained there in CJREC under your supervision for atleast three months and you'll be her mentor. I trust you on this, Mr. Jordan." Mr. Monaco said.

Damn! Why he didn't tell me earlier so that I'am prepared?  I don't even know about all this! And k didn't tell Cyleen yet! Once she find out that Diana and that brunette are the same, for sure she's going to be furious again! Shit! I think I'm in trouble again!

But I can't say no to Mr. Monaco. And I don't have a choice but to accept Diana as a trainee on CJREC. I just hope that Cyleen understand about all this.

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