My Turn to Save You - Derek

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The deadpool had been circulating for quite some time now, and way too many people had gotten a hold of it. Now, more than ever, everybody on that list had to stay together in order to stay alive.

Argent had opened the doors of the old Argent Arms for Satomi and her pack, to keep them safe from the self-acclaimed assassins. You were there with them, along with Scott, Braeden, and Derek.

Everyone was just waiting for the armory to be attacked, they knew it was inevitable, so for now everyone was just trying to keep calm and talk to each other. You were talking to Derek, who was concerned about you being there, "I don't know, (y/n). What if something happens to you? I know you're not on the deadpool, but you're still here standing in their way."

You crossed your arms over your chest, "And what if something happens to you, Derek? It would kill me to see you get hurt, but I know that you're here doing what you feel is right, and I don't want to stop you from doing that."

He sighed and looked around before looking at you again, "Okay, I get it. I'm not going to stop you, but if anything happens get me right away. Find me, yell for me, anything. Okay?"

You grabbed his hands and smiled at him, "Yup, like always."

He smiled back, "You're so brave that it scares me sometimes."

You moved your hands to his shoulders and he moved his to your waist. You smirked and spoke with a sarcastic tone, "But isn't it hot?"

He pulled you closer to him, "Very."

He closed the gap between the two of you by kissing you. You lingered on each other' lips, but you separated from each other when you heard Argent speak, "Everyone get ready, they're coming."

You and Derek let go of each other and got your guns ready for the fight, "Be careful, (y/n). Please."

"I will be, Derek, you better be too."

All of a sudden multiple people wearing what seemed like military-grade gear and carrying automatic weapons stormed the armory. You got down behind a box and started firing your own gun at them, while Derek went behind another.

After staying behind the box for awhile, you decided to move and try to sneak up on some them. You were able to get behind one that was shooting at Scott and knock him out by hitting him in the back of the head with the back of your gun.

Scott was able to move from his hiding spot over to you, he spoke quickly, "Thanks, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you looked around quickly, "Where's Derek? I haven't seen him since this place got stormed."

"I don't know, I haven't seen him either," Scott started running towards Lori who was face to face with someone ready to shoot her, "find him if you can!"

You started running throughout the armory, disarming and knocking people down in the process, "Derek? Derek?!"

As you were running you saw someone get knocked to the ground with a blow between their shoulders, and you recognized it was Derek immediately. You ran over and saw him sitting against the wall with some blood dripping from a cut on his head.

The person who Derek was fighting was reloading their gun as quickly as they could, but you ran over and started fighting them before they could finish. You grabbed the gun and were struggling to disarm them, so you kicked them multiple times, ripped the gun from their hands and hit them in the head with the butt of it.

You threw the gun on the ground next to their unconscious body and ran over to Derek. You knelt down in front of him and wiped some of the blood off his forehead, "Hey, Derek, look at me. Are you okay?"

He looked at you and breathed heavy as he spoke, "Yeah, I'm fine," he smiled a little, "thanks to you."

You smiled and helped him stand, "You've saved me more times than I can count, it's about time I did the same for you."

Argent ran over to the two of you before Derek could answer, "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah, we're okay," you just noticed the fighting had stopped around you, "what happened?"

"They all got messages saying all transactions were canceled, there's no more deadpool."

You sighed in relief, "Thank god."

Argent smiled at you and started walking towards Satomi to tell her too.

Derek put his arm around your shoulders and you did the same to him. You looked at him, "You're sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, it's only a few cuts, I'm okay, all because of you."

You smiled and gave him a quick kiss, "I'll always be there to help you, Derek. Always."

He smiled back at you, "And you know I'll always do the same for you."

"Of course," you smirked playfully, "but I like playing the hero."

He rolled his eyes playfully, "Of course you do."

You laughed a little, and then helped him walk to the car after everybody checked on each other.

You got into the driver's seat so Derek could rest and focus on healing as much as he could. Once you got home, you both cleaned up and spent the rest of the night relaxing for the first time in weeks.

You were laying in bed together and you both fell asleep in each other's arms, feeling happy and safe.


I hope you enjoyed this one, I'm not too proud of it, but I don't hate it either idk. Thanks for reading!

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