"You're kind," Tara smiled a little. "I haven't seen him, Jax sad he's at the cabin with Piney."

"Yikes, I'm sure he's gonna give him one of those tough love Piney pep talks," Macy chuckled a little.

"Oh he's getting one," Tara laughed. "You think you'd be where you are now if you two didn't break up?"

"Well," Macy huffed, "I wouldn't be here in this house planning on having a baby with Shane if that's what you mean."

Tara shook her head. "No, I mean, do you think you would have gone to school, got a job and straightened up?"

"No." It was a quick and confident answer. "I'd be drinking, bartending, and hanging around the clubhouse. I'd be, well, fuck, I'd be Gemma."

"You have some issues with your mom," Tara remarked.

"She's got some issues with me," Macy said sadly. "I love her, she's my mom but there's always been some weird unlying tension and bitterness. I always assumed it had something to do with her mom, maybe shit with Thomas? Who knows?"

"Not me," Tara said awkwardly. "I know I'm doing the exact opposite but I think you stepping away from the club s a good thing, it's good for you."

"Don't give me one of those tears make you grow weak ass quotes," Macy laughed.

"I won't go that far," Tara chuckled. There was a hard knock at the door and Tara's head shot up. "Expecting someone?"

"Uh. No."

"Want me to get it?"

"No," Macy sighed. "Last week Shane sent me flowers when I was home from work sick, I scared the shit out of the guy. It's probably him being too fucking cute again, we've been living the MC life too long, Tara."

When Macy swung open the door she saw Opie, clearly drunk and filthy, on the front step. He still had a bottle of whiskey in his hand as he looked at her, glassy-eyed and pouting.

"Jesus Christ," she sighed. "Ope, what are you doing?"

"This his place?" He said, gesturing behind her.

Macy nodded, "Yes, it is."

"Don't do this, Mace," he begged her. "Please. I love you, this asshole is a cop, he doesn't know you like I do, you can't trust him."

"Do you hear yourself?" She asked, standing with her hands on her hips and a dark scowl on her face. "You sound obsessed."

"I am obsessed," he slurred. "I'm obsessed with you and with that asshole."

"You need to stop drinking," she snapped, reaching for the bottle. "You need to talk to someone Opie, this isn't healthy."

"I know," he groaned, stumbling forward and smacking his head against the address plate. "Fuck."

"I'll call Jax," she sighed. "He can come get you."

"No," he said sharply.

"Mace, you guys okay?" Tara called out from the other room. She was already on the phone Jax, watching the entire thing closely from the window.

"We're fine," she said. "You need to go home."

"You won't even talk to me," he grumbled.

"You wouldn't talk to me," she suddenly shouted. "You didn't even have the balls to tell me yourself, Opie. You did this. You broke up with me in the most fucked up way possible I can't forgive you for that, I won't, and I don't even want to. You hurt me. You did this. You don't get to come back here begging. Don't dare pretend like this is my doing."

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