"By quitting our jobs." Ross answered blatantly as he got off of me. I felt myself freeze in place but I quickly snapped myself back to reality.

"I-Ross, are we even ready to quit Skymedia? I mean we don't have our own offices or anywhere else to go!" I looked into Ross with my eyes full of desperation, Ross quickly shook his head as he held out his phone.

"Jess opened her own productions building remember? We could always work for her! For BluJay." Ross looked up at me with the largest smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that you could never say no to. I sighed before I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess we can do that, Bud." Ross quickly jumped off of my bed in excitement and began to race towards my bedroom door but he paused in the doorway.

"Oh and if we dont wake Tim up we will be late for 'work,'" Ross threw me a smile before he raced off towards Tim's room. I glanced over and realized that it was already 5:45 in the morning, leaving Tim only 15 minutes to get ready for work. I sighed before I jumped off of my bed.

Today is the day I run away. Today is the day I show my problems who is boss. Today is the day that I show Jin and Adam that provoking the underdog will only make it retreat to it's pack. I smile to myself before I step out of my room, as soon as I stepped out of my bedroom I heard Ross scream which I'm assuming was his way of waking Tim up quicker, especially since Tim cursed louder than birdsong after Ross screamed.

I giggled to myself as I waited beside the door, I quickly pulled out my phone before I began to scroll through Twitter, most of my followers luckily don't ship Adam and I, there are thankfully those who ship Ross and I but I dont know how to get a straight guy to like me. I glanced up as I heard footsteps run towards me, Tim was chasing Ross towards the front door. Tim was already dressed so I'm guessing he only took one-minute to get dressed just so then he could chase Ross.

I chuckled at the sight of the two of them before I opened the front door and I slid into the drivers seat, Ross got into the passengers meanwhile Tim sat in the back. As we drove closer to the office I could feel myself growing happier although I could also feel my anxiety increasing within every minute. As soon as we pulled up to the offices, Ross and I bounded out of the car and headed strait for Adam's office leaving Tim to watch us from the back of the car in confusion.

I thrust open Adams door and together Ross and I stepped into his office. However Adam was not alone, Jin sat in an office chair beside him, the two men had their arms crossed as though they were ready to do business. "Ah, Max and Ross. How may we help you both?" Jin asked as Adam nodded in agreement from beside him.

"We quit."

"You what!" Adam chocked before jumping out of his chair, "you can't quit! Especially you Max, you know the deal Maxxy..."

"No Adam, I'm done. I want to be a free man instead of running around as the lap-dog that you always push around!" I spoke as I looked Adam dead in the eyes, Adam simply smirked at me before looking at Ross.

"Do you really-"

"Leave Max alone! If you do anything else to Max or I then I will call the cops on you however, I think it's fair that Max makes the call whenever you get reported for-" I stopped Ross mid-sentence as I sighed quietly.

"No Ross, I tecnically allowed them to do those things to me... I tecnically allowed them to touch me just so then you stayed safe." I sighed before my eyes rested on Adam as Ross began to speak.

"Max- I- fine it's your call, not mine. Anyways Max and I quit Adam and we never want to return here again."

"I-fine, get out of my sight! At least I have Jin!" Adam bellowed as Jin rested an arm on Adam's shoulder. "I expect you both to be out of the offices by 8:00 which leaves you only 2 hours to pack your things."

"Thanks for understanding." Ross smiled before he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the office, "Max, why didn't you-"

"Even if we were going to press charges against Adam and Jin, what would I tell them? Besides I should of fought back years ago, however I let them do it..." I whimpered as Ross and I walked towards the box office to retrieve empty boxes, Ross simply shook his head at me in response before be opened the door. I quickly picked up an empty box before I retreated towards my desk.

Tim was sitting in his desk which was only a few feet away from mine, as soon as I walked over to the editors station Tim's face burned with concern. "W-what happened, did you get fired? What did you do?"

"No, Ross and I quit... Ross and I just- Ross and I just don't want to work for Adam anymore." I responded as I began to empty the contents of my desk into the box. My items mainly consisted of Bango Kazookie trinkets, Dog statues, a mousepad, and a couple of other things. As soon as my desk was cleared I looked over my desk one last time before I smiled. I'm finally leaving Skymedia, I don't need to worry about Adam and Jin anymore; I can finally live freely.

I closed my box before I headed towards Ross's office, as soon as I was about halfway there, Ross walked out of his open door with a medium sized brown box in his hands. Ross gave me the biggest smile as we both headed towards the parking lot. I threw one last glance at the office before I tossed my box inside of the car, "thanks for the help buddy."

"No problem," Ross agreed as he took the passengers seat and I took the drivers seat. I knew that we were going back to our appartment's but Tim could catch a ride from anyone else in the offices. As we drove home I started to wonder why it was that easy to get out of Adam's grasp? I started to wonder why Adam allowed me to leave him without putting up a fight?

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