Chapter 36

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||End of the Tunnel||

Draco POV
"What's happening?" I ask. When Y/N stopped breathing she started to shake a few seconds after "I have no idea, but I don't think that this is supposed to happen." Snape says "Can you get her out?" I ask him "No, she has to do it herself. There is no spell to bring back the dead." He reminds me "So she comes out or she dies." I say "Appearantly, Mr. Malfoy, you seem to care about her a lot more than your mother has told me." He says "Well, Professor, I do. And I don't know what I have to do without her." I tell him "I thought you hated people like her. You were really mad when I asked her to tutor you last year Mr. Malfoy." He says "She's different from any other girl I have ever know...girl I have met." I tell him "You wouldn't want to be with anyone else? No full-blood, Slytherin Princess, with very rich parents and..." He says "No one else. When I got to meet her for real, I started to like her." I admit "Ugh! I am not asking for some cheesy, highschool-lovely relationship that you had with her." Snape spits "You were the one that started this conversation, Professor." I say

Your POV
I had no choice but to run. I hate blood, it is one of my biggest fears. And not just a little blood that you get from a little scratch, a lot of blood. It can make me faint or feel weak and powerless. Blood was filling the floor, it looked like it was going to catch up on me and take me with it. I start to run faster, I looked behind me and saw that the blood had disappeared. When my eyes fell on my feet, I saw that I was standing in...snow. The snow was falling from the dark ceiling and I was only a few inches away from the bright white light. It was a beautiful sight actually 'Y/N, remember what Draco told you. Fight against it!' I tell myself. But I couldn't help it but let my curiosity take over and I put one of my hands into the light and pulled it back out. Then, I couldn't control it anymore and I stepped inside

🐍Unexpected🐍Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon