Chapter 18

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||Wow that was...||

Your POV
I kissed him back. This is the best I've felt in months! Is this really happening? I carefully pull away and look at him. He looks at me too "Wow, that was..." He starts "Amazing" I finish him. He starts to smile "Really? I was scared you didn't like it or..." He starts but I put my finger on his lips "Shh, I loved it!" I tell him. H blushes lightly and sits down next to me "So...w-what now?" He asks and scratches the back of his neck "This." I say and pull him back in for a kiss. His hands are on my waist and kiss me back. If someone finds out about this we are so screwed! He pulls away "Maybe we shouldn't do this." He said, "Can you read my mind or something like that?" I ask him. He looked confused "What?" He asks "I was thinking about how screwed we are if someone finds out about this." I say "Yeah...we are" He sighs "I really don't know what we will do if they find out." I say. Then there are some loud noises from downstairs "What the hell was that?" I ask him "I don't know...I don't think we want to know." He says. Then there was a loud knock on the door "Draco! Draco, open the door right now!!" His mother says. He reverses the spell from the door and opens it "It's Potter and his friends...they are asking for her" She tells him "But she's not going with them!" "And she is not staying here either." She tells him "Draco if you don't do this they will destroy everything and hand us over to the ministry of magic!" She says. He looks at me and then back at his mother "But I can protect her!" He says "You can't!" She says "I can!"

 When I was walking around the castle I got pulled into a room and pushed against a wall. The door got locked and the figure who had pulled me into the room turned on a little light so I could see who it was "Malfoy?" I said. He looked at me really evil "I have to warn you" He said, "For what?" He sighed "Are all muggle-borns like that?" He asks "Maybe, are all Full blood like that?" I asked. "You have a lot of nerve to say that, filthy little Mudblood!" He said "I warn you about something. If you come into my way, I will make sure you wish you were never born. Got it?" He asks. I didn't say anything 'W-What did he just call me?' I thought. He snapped his fingers in front of me "I asked you something" He said. I nodded "Good" And with that, he walked away. I started to cry 'How can he call me that?' I asked myself...
----End of Flashback----

"No, you can't. I'm just a filthy little Mudblood" I say. Draco groans "Are we really bringing this up now?" He asks "No but everyone here thinks I am so if I stay here they will either kill me or use me as their personal slave!" I tell him, "I told you, I can protect you!" "You can't!" His mother and I say at the same time "Fine!" He says. We walk downstairs and see Harry, Ron, and Hermoine standing there with their wands pointed at us "Okay...she's here, now give me that sword!" Mrs. Malfoy says. I got ripped away from Draco by Bellatrix and she holds a knife against my throat.  I hold my breath, "The girl for the sword" She says "You know the sword is not real right" Harry tells her "Haha, why would you lie to me about that?" She asks "Because it's the truth!" "It's not! Now give me the sword!"  She says and presses the knife harder against my neck "Let her go Bellatrix" Draco says "Not until I get that sword!" She says and looks back at the trio. I can feel a little drop of blood trailing down my neck "Ew, Blood from a Mudblood!" She starts to laugh again "You are crazy!" I tell her "Haha, the Mudblood has teeth, I can take care of that" She says and starts to smirk.

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