Chapter 15

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||Not your fault||

Draco POV
"Y-You remember that?" I ask her "Of course I do, that was the night Dumbledore was killed" She whispers. I didn't look at her "You do remember that" "I was there remember, you didn't kill him" She says "But I was the one that brought them there" I say. She sits up straight and I look at her "I don't blame you for anything. You didn't want were forced to do it" she says. I look away again. I know she is right... "W-What? Why would you think that?" I ask her "That night? You were almost crying when you pointed your wand at Dumbledore" she says "I wasn't crying!: I say in defense "You can't deny it Draco, I was there, you can't lie" She says. I look at her "Y/N I am sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean it...I didn't mean to call you a..." She cuts me off "You never said it. I did. I was angry and scared at the same time that I forgot to focus on the things people were trying to tell me" She says "No I should be the one apologizing here" I say "No you don't. It wasn't your fault" She says. I smile softly "If you say so" She smiles too. She opened her mouth to say something but she was cut off by a scream. I look over my shoulder and see aunt Bella torturing Granger. I look back at Y/N and see that she is looking at Granger. I grab her chin and make her look at me "Don't look at them" I tell her. She nods slowly and tries to ignore the screams. My thumbs slowly rub the soft skin of her hands "This is my own fault. I shouldn't have run away" She whispers as she looks back at Granger. I make her look at me again "Don't say that" I tell her "But it's true. If I never ran away, this wouldn't have happened" 

Your POV
"But it's true. If I never ran away, this wouldn't have happened" I tell him. I look into his eyes and see that he's getting angry "Don't say that. None of this is your fault" "It is! I knew that one way or another someone would find out about my feelings for you! And I know how they would react when they found out!" I say. Then I realize what I just so I quickly cover my mouth "What? They found out you have feelings for me?" He asks. I didn't say anything, why the hell did I just say that?! I am so stupid!! "Y/ you have feelings for me?" He asks "N-No" I stutter "Y/N!" "I-I d-don't" I stutter "You do! You just said it! Y/N don't try to lie because you can't!" He says. I sigh and give in "Alright, I do...but it's not like I am deeply in love with you or something..." I say. I look at him and see that he's looking down a little sad "I mean...maybe I am, but it's not right!" I say "I know it isn't, don't you think I ever thought about that?!" He asks "Are you mad at me?" I ask him "A little, but I'm glad you told me" He says "What are you going to do now? Turn me in? Use me as your slave?" "Why would I use you as a slave?" He asks "Because you can use my feelings for you against me" "Why would I do that? Did you miss the past few minutes where I helped you and told you that I care about you? Are you listening to me right now? I would never use you as my slave! Even though I am not supposed to have feelings for you I still do. I don't care about what anyone else thinks! Y/N I like you, a lot, and I am sorry I got you into all of this" He says "Draco, you don't have to be sorry about anything" I say. He chuckles softly before saying "Do we ever stop helping each other to feel better?" I giggle "Maybe we care too much for one another" "Maybe" He says.

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